LSC-CyFair News
February 17, 2025Don’t miss “American Pie Holes” exhibition, a thought-provoking “re-arts” experience, on display Feb. 27 - April 10 in the Bosque Gallery.
February 03, 2025LSC-CyFair Faculty Excellence Award winners, no matter their discipline, are dedicated to empowering students to learn and grow personally and professionally.
February 03, 2025LSC-CyFair Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award winners honored in part for enthusiastically sharing their real-world experience and knowledge as a foundation for success.
February 03, 2025Supporting the success of LSC-CyFair’s more than 24,000 students beyond the classroom are five dedicated employees recently honored with the college’s Staff Excellence Award.
January 31, 2025Scholarship essay contest winners Iryna Tanasii and Zemoh Boris Nkeumboh share how LSC-CyFair impacts career goals.
January 27, 2025Come witness and support incredible performances starting Feb. 13 at LSC-CyFair’s Center for the Arts.
January 27, 2025LSC-CyFair kicks off Bosque Gallery season with "Epiphany”, a memorial tribute to former art faculty Laura Fisher.
December 16, 2024Now is the time for second chances - no matter your age or what work and personal goals you’re juggling – and your success begins at LSC-CyFair.
December 13, 2024Attend a Super Saturdays session Jan. 4 or Jan.11 to get personalized assistance with admissions, financial aid and more, or beat the rush and visit the Student Services team during winter break.
December 11, 2024Attend the Jan. 9 open house to start a new chapter of learning and fellowship through LSC-CyFair’s ALL program designed for ages 50 and better.