
Most Common Requests

The following are links to our most common request forms. For our entire OTS service catalog, go to LoneStar.edu/ServiceCenter-OTS.

Most Common Requests

Call the IT Service Desk
281.318.HELP (4357)

(Toll free 866.614.5014)

Use this to get somebody now!
Be sure to mention the issue is impacting a “Meeting-In-Progress”, “Class-In-Session”, or is “Urgent”.

Get Email/Username
Reset Password

Use these to get your LSC email adress and username or to reset your password.

Faculty & Staff! For helpful instructions on how to reset your password when working remotely, go to:
Resetting Your LSC Password (For Faculty & Staff Resetting While Off-Campus)

Something is Broken
(Report a problem)

Get IT Help with a
Non-Urgent IT Matter

Use this to get assistance with a technology issue.

Request Tech Assistance at Your Event

Use this to get assistance with your event.
Request in advance for best results.
Last-minute requests may cause issues!

Request an Office Move
(requires your supervisor’s approval)

Use this to schedule OTS to move your computer equipment to another location.

Request Employee Loaner Equipment Use this to request loaner equipment (laptop, etc.)

Request a New Employee Setup

New Employee?
Use this to request a setup for them - network access, computer equipment, and a phone.

Request a Network Drop
(may require your supervisor’s approval & budget code)

Need a network drop?
Use this to request a quote for one.


Equipment-Related Requests

NOTE: All of these requests may require your supervisor’s approval & budget code.

Request a Computer

* For Faculty & Staff *
Use this to get a quote for a new computer/laptop for use in a classroom, computer lab, or office. [1][2]

Request a Printer

Use this to get a quote for a new or replacement printer. [1][2]

Request Peripheral Hardware

Use this to request a quote for AV Upgrades, peripherals (mouse, keyboard, etc.) [1][2]

PLEASE NOTE: Equipment takes time to ship. Please remember to ask for shipping times and submit these requests well in advance (especially if you have deadlines).

Software-Related Requests

Request Software

Use this to request a specific software installed or a quote for a license for the software. [1][2]

Software Available for Students

Find software that is available to students to install and use on their personal computer and/or mobile device.

Software Available for Faculty & Staff

Find software that is available to faculty and staff to be used on campus and/or at home.

Software Available in
LSC Classrooms and Computer Labs

Review the list of sofware titles available in LSC classrooms and computer labs.[3]

[1] – Quote must comply with OTS Desktop Standards & OTS A/V Standards (if applicable)
[2] – Complies with Funding of IT Equipment and Software Policy (Click here to view)
[3] – Some software listed is not installed on all computers, but only on computers specific to a discipline. 

Server-Related Requests

Request File or Email Restore

Use this to request restoration of deleted file/email that existed on a network drive or email.

NOTE: this does not work for locally deleted files on your PC

Request File Share Access

Use this to get access to a file share. Be sure to provide the full folder path in the ticket (Ex: V:/Somedept/somefolder/)

Request Remote Access (VPN)
(requires your supervisor’s approval)

Use this to request VPN Access.


Data & Analytics-Related Requests

Request Access

Need access to the AIR Portal or Power BI?
Need help with an access issue?
Use these forms to submit your request.

Request Data or a Report

Do you data or a report?
What about a new dashboard or research study? Use these forms to submit your request.

Looking for something else not listed here?

The list above covers just a few of our most common requests.
To view the entire OTS service catalog, go to LoneStar.edu/ServiceCenter-OTS.

If you cannot find what you need after searching the catalog, use the Generic Request form.
Please explain clearly what you are needing to expedite your request.

Make LSC part of your story.