
Course Descriptions

The following are course descriptions for all college-level English courses
taught at Lone Star College-North Harris.

Sophomore Level Courses

English 2311: Technical Communications
English 2341: Forms of Literature
English 2322: British Literature I
English 2342: Forms of Literature I
English 2323: British Literature II
English 2327: American Literature I
English 2343: Forms of Literature II
Syllabi for Sophomore English

English 2351: Mexican-American Literature
English 2328: American Literature II
English 2332: World Literature I
English 2333: World Literature II
English 2307: Creative Writing I
English 2308: Creative Writing II
English 2389: Academic Cooperative

Click here to view the full current course catalog.

Sophmore Level Course Descriptions

ENGL 2311 - Technical Communications

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) The writing of technical papers, reports, proposals, progress reports and descriptions. The course also briefly covers oral reporting. (2313035112) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 Top of Page

ENGL 2341 - Forms of Literature

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) The study of one or more literary genres including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, drama, and film. Other forms might include mythic and religious writing, autobiographies and memoirs, and polemics. Readings vary. Instructors are free to choose their own emphasis. Only 6 credit hours can be taken from ENGL 2341, ENGL 2342, and ENGL 2343. (1601045113) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2322 - Survey of British Literature - Anglo-Saxon through the 18th Century

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of the development of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the 18th Century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. (2314045112) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2342 - Forms of Literature I

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) One semester of a two-semester course on literary forms. This course examines a genre, or a combination of genres, in greater depth than does the one semester course, ENGL 2341. Instructors are free to choose their own emphasis. The literary genre or genres taught in this course emphasize the multicultural competencies. (1601045113) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2323 - Survey of British Literature - Romantic through the Present

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of the development of British literature from the Romantic period to the present. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. (2314045112) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2327 - Survey of American Literature - Exploration through the Civil War

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of American literature from the period of exploration and settlement through the Civil War. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from among a diverse group of authors for what they reflect and reveal about the evolving American experience and character. (2314025112) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2343 - Forms of Literature II

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) One semester of a two-semester course on literary forms. This course may expand treatment of a genre or genres studied in ENGL 2342 and/or may include a genre or genres not studied in ENGL 2342. Instructors are free to choose their own emphasis. The literary genre or genres taught in this course emphasize the multicultural competencies. (1601045113) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2351 - Mexican-American Literature

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of Mexican-American literature from its origins to the present covering the major literary genres - the essay, epic poetry, lyric poetry, the short story, novel, drama, and folk literature. (0502035525) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2328 - Survey of American Literature - Civil War through the Present

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of American literature from the Civil War to the present. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from among a diverse group of authors for what they reflect and reveal about the evolving American experience and character. (2314025112) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2332 - Survey of World Literature - Ancient World through the 16th Century

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of world literature from the ancient world through the 16th century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. (1601045213) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2333 - Survey of World Literature- 17th Century through the Present

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A survey of world literature from the 17th century to the present. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. (1601045213) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Top of Page

ENGL 2307 - Fundamentals of Creative Writing

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) A brief study of creative genres such as poetry, essay, and short fiction. Practice in original composition. Designed as a humanities elective course for students interested in imaginative writing. Both ENGL 2307 and ENGL 2308 may apply toward graduation. (2313025112) Prerequisite: Six credits of English credit or departmental approval Top of Page

ENGL 2308 - Creative Writing and Publishing

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec.) Practical experience in the techniques of imaginative writing and its publication. May include fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, drama, and/or essay. Both ENGL 2307 and ENGL 2308 may apply toward graduation. (2313025112) Prerequisite: Six hours of English credit Top of Page

ENGL 2389 - Academic Cooperative in Composition

3 Credits (1 hr. lec., 4 hrs. ext.) Training program and internship for peer writing tutors who work with student writers in the writing center in the college learning center. (2401035212) Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 Top of Page

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