Student grant award information can be found at
For additional information, please visit your local Financial Aid Office or call 281.290.2700.
For additional information, please visit your local Financial Aid Office or call 281.290.2700.
Taxpayers can request LSC financial records at For more information on records requests, please visit
LSC faculty and staff can request assistance seeking a grant at, “Grant Services.”
Several factors affect the grant proposal timeline, including but not limited to project duration, requested award amount, availability of supporting data, collaboration with partners, and the level of commitment by LSC.
For an estimated timeline, please contact RDA at
For an estimated timeline, please contact RDA at
The grant manager oversees all project operations and requirements. Once a grant is awarded, the RDA compliance team will provide grant managers with an orientation and a deliverables worksheet to assist managers in meeting project commitment goals, documentation requirements, and reporting deadlines.
Grant managers should contact their assigned Grant Analyst or campus leadership with additional questions and concerns regarding their duties.
Grant managers should contact their assigned Grant Analyst or campus leadership with additional questions and concerns regarding their duties.
Grant managers should contact their assigned Grant Accountant for all financial inquiries.
Grants Accounting contact information is available at
Grants Accounting contact information is available at
Grant Managers should follow the LSC purchasing procedure and grant funder requirements when spending grant funds. Please submit purchase requests to your Department Office Manager (DOM).
Purchasing department contacts can be found at
LSC purchasing procedure can be found at
Purchasing department contacts can be found at
LSC purchasing procedure can be found at
Board approval is required for purchases with a cumulative expenditure of $100,000 or more. See, Purchasing Requirements At a Glance.
The processing timeline is dependent on the Board of Trustees meeting schedule. Grant managers should collaborate with campus leadership to submit a board agenda item.
The processing timeline is dependent on the Board of Trustees meeting schedule. Grant managers should collaborate with campus leadership to submit a board agenda item.
Indirect costs are the expenses of doing business not readily identified with a particular grant, contract, project function, or activity, but necessary for the organization’s operations and activities. Examples of indirect costs are: (i) maintenance of shared facilities; (ii) depreciation of shared buildings and equipment; (iii) accounting services; (iv) human resources; (v) financial and accounting services; (vi) library and computing services; and (vii) utilities of shared facilities.
College personnel must seek the maximum indirect cost allowed by the funder for all grants and contracts.
See, III.B.2. Indirect Costs.
College personnel must seek the maximum indirect cost allowed by the funder for all grants and contracts.
See, III.B.2. Indirect Costs.
Grant managers should work with the Human Resources recruiting team to hire personnel.
LSC hiring managers can request HR recruiting assistance at, “HR Services.”
Hiring managers can find LSC hiring policy at
LSC hiring managers can request HR recruiting assistance at, “HR Services.”
Hiring managers can find LSC hiring policy at
Grant-funded stipends depend on the employee’s hiring contract conditions and the funder’s policy. Faculty and staff should contact RDA grant development and the HR compensation team for guidance.
Please contact RDA at
Please contact RDA at
For more information on obtaining LSC approval to conduct research, please visit
The standard processing timeline for obtaining approvals and signatures is 10-12 business days. However, many factors can extend the return date, including but not limited to authorizer availability, revisions, policy exception requests (a.k.a. variance approval), and delayed partner collaboration.
RDA recommends submitting finalized applications and contracts as soon as possible to meet submission deadlines.
RDA recommends submitting finalized applications and contracts as soon as possible to meet submission deadlines.
If you have an inquiry not addressed in the topics above, please submit your question or comment to