
Recreational Sports Schedule

Lone Star College-North Harris Recreational Sports invites students, faculty, and staff to join our Intramural Sports program. Enjoy balanced team, individual, and dual sports activities—form your own team or register as an individual for guaranteed placement. Check campus bulletin boards or visit HPE-100/HPE-106 for more details.


Thursday, 16 Women's Soccer Tryouts 3pm HPE - 103
Thursday, 16 Men's Soccer Tryouts 4pm HPE - 103
Tuesday, 21 Men's and Women's Basketball Tryouts 6pm GYM
Wednesday, 22 Women's Volleyball Tryouts 6pm GYM
Monday, 27 Tennis Meeting 3pm HPE - 103
Wednesday, 12 REC DAY: Coed Volleyball 3-5pm GYM
Thursday, 13 Flag Football Tryouts 3pm GYM
Tuesday, 18 Powerlifting Contest 3pm GYM
Tuesday, 25 HOTSHOT Basketball Contest 3pm GYM
Tuesday, 4 Pickleball Tournament 3pm GYM
Wednesday, 5 Table Tennis Tournament 3pm GYM
Friday, 7 Flag Football Tournament ALL DAY LSC-Montgomery
Tuesday, 18 3v3 Basketball 2-5pm GYM
Thursday, 20 Billiards Tournament 2pm GYM
Tuesday, 25 Free Throw Contest 3-5pm GYM
Friday, 4 BEACH DAY ALL DAY Stewart Beach
Thursday, 10 Bowling Tournament 7pm TBD
Wednesday, 16 Hurricane Run 3:30pm Jogging Trail
Tuesday, 22 REC DAY: Badminton 3-5pm GYM

All students, faculty and staff of Lone Star College are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports. The intramural sports staff will assume responsibility for investigation of the eligibility of all participants upon request. A college ID or membership card will be required during all activities. In order for an individual to be considered eligible for intramural competition, his/her name and student ID number must appear on the team roster. Changes in a roster must be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled game. There will be no roster changes allowed during any playoff or championship game. Players who have participated with one intramural team are not eligible to play for another team in that sport. Exception: Individuals may play in both the men's or women's program plus a co-rec team.

Any person participating in an intramural activity found to be ineligible will be suspended from that activity for the remainder of the season. Any team using an ineligible player shall forfeit all games in which the ineligible player participated. All players participating in a game/match using an ineligible player, with an assumed name, shall be suspended from that activity for the remainder of the season and placed on probation the remainder of the school year.

A team will be dropped from competition upon announcement of their second forfeit. The winning team must record its lineup for the forfeited game and must have at least a minimum of the official number of players. If neither team or individual shows for a game, both will be charged with a loss by forfeit.

Protests involving rule interpretations will be considered, but judgement calls will not receive consideration. Protests must be made on the field or court immediately following the incident in question. The game is suspended and the Intramural Supervisor will be called to the game. Play should not continue until a final decision is made. Protests concerning eligibility must be made before, during or immediately after the contest in question. A ruling will then be made by the Intramural Sports Director the following day.

Good sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every contest. Officials, supervisors, and administrative personnel shall make decisions as to warn, penalize, or eject players and/or teams for poor sportsmanship. These decisions are final. The team coach or captain is responsible for the actions of any individual member of the team and for spectators directly related to said team. Deliberate injury or deliberate attempt to injure an opponent will result in automatic suspension from all intramural activity for at least one year. Fighting will result in automatic suspension from all intramural activities for a minimum of at least one semester. Any attempt to instigate an altercation will be considered a fight. Harassment and verbal abuse of officials or intramural staff will result in ejection from the game. It can also result in a lifetime suspension from all intramural sports activity.

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