Open Lab Rules
Open Labs are open to Lone Star College System (LSCS) Faculty, Staff and Students currently enrolled ONLY. All lab computers access operates on a first-come first serve basis. All open lab users should read and abide by the rules and policies of the LSC-CyFair Open Labs.
For the sake of the effectiveness, durability, and efficiency of the open lab, policies have been set in place for the different populations involved in the lab's operations. It is expected that both users (students and faculty) and lab staff will be familiar with and follow these policies.
- Patrons are expected to conduct themselves with civility, politeness, and decorum.
- The lab computers are to be used by LSCS Faculty, Staff and students currently enrolled ONLY. Lab Users are required to logon to computers using their LSCS ID and password.
- The Open Lab is not public access. LSC-CyFair Library has public computers available.
- Students are required to be in possession of LSCS identification and sign in and out electronically during open lab hours. Mac users are to sign in and out at the welcome desk, and PC users are to sign in and out at the actual station they plan to use.
- The purpose of the Lab is for academic work only.
- Users of Adobe Design Premium Suite have priority on stations running this software. Please cede your station to Adobe Design Premium Suite users if you are sitting at one.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the lab. Please enjoy them elsewhere.
- Students are asked to treat all equipment with care and to leave the lab stations in order.
- Lab phone is not for student use.
- Children are not allowed in the lab.
- Cell phones should silenced at all times. Turn cell phones onto vibrate before entering the labs. If it is necessary to take an incoming call, please exit the computer lab and receive the call outside the Lab.
- No loud talking.
- The computers in the Lab should NOT have speakers activated. If you need to access media, please bring your own headsets/earphones.
- Do not change settings, turn off, or attempt to "fix" or move any computer.
- Please logoff the computer when you finish your work.
- Lab users are responsible for all their personal items while in the lab. Do not leave personal belonging unattended, even for a short period of time.
- Students viewing materials that are in violation of the Lone Star College System 'appropriate use policy' will be asked to leave and may be banned altogether from the labs.
- The Open Lab is NOT a classroom space. TECH-104 is NOT to be used during class time. Instructors needing computer space for class-time use should reserve a computer lab instead.
- All users (faculty, staff, and students) must leave the lab 10 minutes prior to closing time.
Available Software
All widely used courseware for classes at LSC-CyFair is accessible to students and faculty in the ASC Open Lab. Please refer to software list or please call 281-290-5980 to confirm installation of a particular program.
Printing & Copying
Printing & copying are also available in the ASC Lab at the self-service printing and copying vending area. A digital scanner is also available.
Lab Coordinator
Lab Coordinators are available to assist you with technical difficulties and general support. They cannot help you with course content.