The Multimedia Center is a video production studio that enhances teaching and learning at LSC-CyFair, allowing faculty, students and staff to record video content without any technical expertise required.
The equipment and set up of the room makes it easy to create high quality and professional videos, so users can only focus on creating the content for the video projects without having to know anything about lights and cameras.
Your greenscreen should have as few wrinkles as possible.
Place your subject 3 to 5 feet in front of your greenscreen.
Light your greenscreen and your subject separately.
Using a tripod, shoot your video - Record yourself or your subject in front of the greenscreen.
Upload your video to the computer.
If the video was taken with a phone, upload the video to your OneDrive cloud service to download it into the computer editing software.
If you used the Canon video camera, remove the SD Card from the camera and insert it into the computer.
Open the iMovie application on the computer.
Locate the video(s) you took and drag them into the 'My Media' bin.
Drag your background/graphic into the middle of the timeline section.
Click on the cropping tool and then choose 'Fit'. (Anytime you upload a video or graphic into iMovie, it defaults to the 'Ken Burns' effect, which is a slow zoom effect, and you typically don't want this when using a greenscreen.)
Drag your video into the timeline, placing it above the background/graphic.
Extend the background/graphic to match the length of your video by.
Now select your video and click on the video overlay icon.
Using the dropdown menu that is currently selected as 'Cutaway', choose 'Green/Blue Screen'
You'll need to use the 'Clean-up' tools now.
Click on the cropping icon and move the corners to cut off any edges that you don't want in the video.
Click on the eraser icon and erase any imperfections (you only get one chance to erase, so try to erase all imperfections with the first click)
Click on the checkmark to accept all changes and apply the effect.
Ensure the video camera is zoomed in enough so that the edges of the light board (learning glass) are not on the video.
Additionally, ensure that autofocus is not on, and that the subject that will be behind the learning glass is in focus, as well as the content being written on the glass. (You may need assistance with this step from the coordinator on duty.)
Begin recording.
Turn the lights off in the room.
Shoot your video.
Turn the lights back on and stop recording.
Upload your video to the computer.
If the video was taken with a phone, upload the video to your OneDrive cloud service to download it into the computer editing software.
If you used the Canon video camera, remove the SD Card from the camera and insert it into the computer.
Open the iMovie application on the computer.
Locate the video(s) you took and drag them into the 'My Media' bin.
Want a deep dive into a specific aspect of Adobe Premier Pro? This site covers tutorials from 'Getting Started', to 'Sequences', 'Visual effects', 'Animation, and many more!
In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows you how to get started with Adobe Premiere Pro CC and editing video. You'll see the 10 things that beginners want to know how to do. See how to edit a video from start to finish even if you've never used Premiere Pro or edited a video before.
Not quite ready to jump into Premiere Pro? Rush is the answer for you. This site provides articles on how to create and preview your project, how to customize colors and titles, and more.
Would you rather use Premiere Pro over iMovie for green screen effects? In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows how to do green screen effects in Adobe Premiere Pro CC using the Ultra Key filter.