Process for Outgoing Certificate of Insurance
Process for “Outgoing Certificates of Insurance”
Step 1: REQUESTOR: Complete Certificate of Insurance Request form. Please indicate if a preliminary review of insurance requirements is needed. Requests should include all pertinent information about the request, i.e., a copy of the contract, contacts, scope of service, etc.
The entire contract that includes specific insurance language and other documents outlining type of work or service that will be performed should be submitted with the request.
Requests for a certificate of insurance should be directed to the ORM by email at Please contact the ORM for additional assistance and information.
Step 2: OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT (ORM): The ORM reviews documentation, contracts, and insurance coverage(s). After review, recommendations and follow up may be necessary with the Requestor and the Office of General Counsel (OGC).
Approved requests are submitted to LSC’ insurance broker to review as in regard to LSC insurance policies, and to administer a COI.
Step 3: INSURANCE BROKER: LSC insurance broker reviews the ORM request and the contract for insurance requirements as applies to LSC insurance coverage(s). An ACORD Certificate of Insurance form is created indicating insurance coverage, and is mailed to the Certificate Holder and an email copy sent to the ORM.
If a policy requires an endorsement, the insurance broker notifies the ORM, who in turn notifies the COI Requestor of any charges or other issues. If there is a charge for an endorsement, the Requestor must provide a budget number.
Step 4: OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT (ORM): The ORM emails the COI to the Requestor, and retains a hard copy file and an electronic copy of the COI and the contract.