
Office of Risk Management

Office of Risk Management SNOW Module

Welcome to Lone Star College's Office of Risk Management (ORM).  Our mission is to minimize the risk of loss, financial or otherwise, through the protection of Lone Star College System resources which include employees, students, visitors and property.

Our vision is to be recognized by the Lone Star College (LSC) community as a valued resource and strategic partner.  We endeavor to protect the System’s human, intellectual, physical and financial assets and resources, to assist in maintaining a safe and healthy environment, and promoting a risk-conscious climate in a manner consistent with the mission and vision of the Lone Star College System.

Office of Risk Management SNOW Module

Claims Management

Contract Insurance Requirements & Certificates of Insurance

Standard Forms

If you have any questions about the forms or encounter difficulty accessing them, please contact the ORM at 832.813.6752/6741 or send an email to LSC-RiskManagement@LoneStar.edu.

Student Insurance

LSC offers eligible students an affordable, quality Student Health Insurance Plan. Student participating in in clinical, practicum, internship or co-operative coursework are required to purchase the LSC Medical Professional Liability insurance for their benefit and protection.


Workers' Compensation

If you are looking for Workers' Compensation forms please visit https://mylonestar.sharepoint.com/sites/Risk/WorkersComp/Forms/AllItems.aspx or contact ORM at 832.813.6741.


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