Important LSC Dates: Visit for technical support and for additional information.
Online Tutoring will begin Monday, April 13, 2020 and is FREE for students enrolled at Lone Star College!
The Cypress Center Tutoring Center is here for you! We will be happy to assist you in accessing our services remotely! We want to continue to help you to be successful in your courses.
Please check this page for updates. We will do our best to provide you with more information in the coming weeks.
If you were in an online course prior to Spring Break, you have access to Brainfuse online tutoring services through the Lone Star College Virtual Learning Assistance Center (VLAC). Please click on this link to find out more information:
The Cypress Center Tutoring's goal is to help students reach their maximum academic potential by promoting the understanding of course concepts, reinforcing essential study skills and habits, as well as encouraging independent learning that will assist students to transition successfully into the rapidly changing world.
We offer tutoring and other resources in a range of subjects.
Use the links below to find resources that will help you in each subject.