StarGala 2017

April 29, 2017
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center
6 p.m. - Midnight
Black Tie Optional
Click HERE to purchase tickets
Click HERE to become a sponsor or underwriter by paying online
Click HERE to become a sponsor or underwriter by completing a paper commitment form and mailing in a check
Click HERE for an electronic invitation to StarGala!
Thank you to our Sponsors and Underwriters! Click HERE for a list of our Sponsors & Underwriters to date.
Mark your calendars and join us on Saturday, April 29, 2017 at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center for Lone Star College Foundation's StarGala 2017! This event will deliver an amazing evening of fine dining, cocktails, talent, and auctions benefiting student scholarships and programs at Lone Star College.
The impact of last year's StarGala was life-changing:
$33,700 in new scholarships were awarded to 67 deserving students
$29,450 supporting various college programs
$88,931 supporting the LSC Promise Scholarship
$358,384 added to the endowment
In addition to level-specific benefits, all Sponsors receive the following:
- Recognition in media release submissions
- Recognition on LSC Foundation website
- Recognition in e-blasts and e-news
- Recognition on-screen at event
PINNACLE $100,000
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- On-stage acknowledgment
- Media release feature story
- Invitation for 20 to Chancellor's VIP reception
- Premier dinner seating for 20
- Private waiter and reserve wine
- Full-page program advertisement on inside front cover
- Four endowed scholarships
LEGACY $50,000
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Invitation for 20 to Chancellor's VIP Reception
- Two premier tables for ten
- Private waiter and reserve wine
- Full-page program advertisement on inside back cover
- Two endowed scholarships
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Invitation for ten to Chancellor's VIP Reception
- Premier table for ten
- Private waiter and reserve wine
- Full-page program advertisement
- One endowed scholarship
CHAMPION $15,000
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Invitation for ten to Chancellor's VIP Reception
- Prominent table for ten
- Half-page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Invitation for ten to Chancellor's VIP reception
- Preferred table for ten
- One-quarter page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Table for ten
- One-eighth page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Sponsor a table for ten that includes two seats for personal use plus eight seats for a LSC Cabinet member and his/her staff.
- Business card program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Reserved seating for two
- Listing in program
In addition to level-specific benefits, all Underwriters receive the following:
- Two reserved seats
- Recognition in media release submissions
- Recognition on LSC Foundation website
- Recognition in e-blasts and e-news
- Recognition on event signage
- Recognition on-screen at event
DÉCOR $10,000
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Visual recognition on each table centerpiece
- One-quarter page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Recognition on invitation mailed to 5,000 recipients
- One-eighth page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Visual recognition on stage signage
- One-eighth page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Brochures left in front seat of all valet parked vehicles
- One-eighth page program advertisement
WINE $3,000
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Recognition on wine bottle tags at major sponsor tables
- One-quarter page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Half-page program advertisement
All Publicity Benefits plus:
- Half-page program advertisement
Your support as a "Stand up for Scholarship" underwriter does not include event attendance, and therefore provides direct scholarship funding for students. Program listing included if commitment received by press time.
- $20,000 - Covers the cost to create one endowed scholarship
- $12,000 - Covers the cost for an Associates Degree for two students, including tuition, books and fees
- $6,000 - Covers the cost for an Associates Degree for one student, including tuition, books and fees
- $3,000 - Covers the cost for one year of tuition, books and fees for one student
- $1,500 - Covers the cost for one semester of tuition, books and fees for one student
- $1,000 - Fund two students with a $500 scholarship
- $500 - Fund one student with a $500 scholarship
Also available:
Table for Ten - $3,000
Individual Tickets - $300/each
Click HERE to make your online commitment. Click HERE to download your printable Sponsorship & Underwriting Opportunities document.