
Current Students

Certification for Medical Radiologic Technologist- Texas
In order to practice as a radiographer in the state of Texas you must apply for a license with the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Registry Examination
Information about the certification examination is available from the ARRT webpage.  Any student who has a misdemeanor or felony needs to contact the ARRT for a pre-application review.  The ARRT will review your documentation and reach a decision about your candidacy.  The Lone Star College–CyFair program faculty have no authority to make this decision.

Texas Society of Radiologic Technologist
Each year students are encouraged to become a member of the Texas Society of Radiologic Technologist.

Attending and Presenting at a Professional Conference
Attending or presenting at a professional meeting is a great opportunity for a ragiography student. It is an opportunity to learn a lot, meet potential employers and to network with other students.  However, there are protocols that should be observed. If you wish to learn more about this topic take a look at the following resource:  Attending and Presenting at A professional Conference.

Make LSC part of your story.