In an emergency situation, you may be given lockdown instructions. A lockdown procedure is typically instructed during any event that poses immediate threat such as an active shooter scenario.
These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate deployment of law enforcement resources. The most important thing to remember when encountering a lockdown event is to remain calm and encourage other to remain calm.
In the Classroom or Office
Go to the closest safe place in the building - inside office, classroom or closet.
Take personal belongings with you
Move away any windows, barricade the door, stay quiet
Assist people in need
Wait for instructions from campus police or other officials before leaving your safe place
If you are in a classroom, room or office, STAY THERE, secure the door and turn off the lights.
Remain silent and immediately put all cell phones into "Silent" mode.
If the door has no lock and the door opens in, a heavy door wedge can be kept on hand and used, otherwise look for heavy furniture to barricade the door.
DO NOT respond to anyone at the door until an "all clear" message has been received.
In Hallways or Corridors
If in the hallways, get in a room that is not already secured and secure it.
Unless you are very close to an exit, do not run through a long hall to get to one.
Open Spaces
Stay alert and look for appropriate cover locations. Hard cover, such as brick walls, large trees, retaining walls, parked vehicles, and any other object that may stop bullets, may be utilized as cover.
What to Expect from Responding Police Officers
The first responding officers may possibly be from different police agencies and dressed in different uniforms. They may even be in civilian clothes and wearing an external bulletproof vest.
Regardless of how officers appear, remain calm.
Do as the officers tell you, and do not be afraid of them.
Put down any bags or packages that you are carrying and keep your hands visible at all times.
Tell the officers any information you have regarding the situation.
The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured victims.
Rescue teams will follow shortly after the first responding officers enter the area.
They will attend to the injured and remove everyone safely from the area.
Police will usually not let anyone leave until the situation is under control and witnesses have been identified.
Until you have been released, remain at the assembly point authorities have designated.
What else can you do?
Prepare a plan of action in advance.
Determine possible escape routes and know where the nearest building exits are.