
Financial Aid Verification

Verification is the process in which the Financial Aid Department reviews the data reported by the student/parent on the student's FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

What Can Students Expect?

Students will receive an email in their Lone Star College email account if they are selected for verification. Students are encouraged to submit the requested documentation as quickly as possible to avoid delays.

The U.S. Department of Education randomly selects student aid applications as a quality-control method to check the accuracy of the information submitted on the FAFSA. Eligibility cannot be determined until the Verification process is completed.

Verification Steps

All students should follow these steps to set up an account to complete verification.

  1. Click on the Personal URL (PURL) in the email you received from the Lone Star College Financial Aid Office.

    The process cannot be completed without using the PURL.

  2. Verify your identity by entering your personal information.
  3. Confirm that your personal information is correct, and fill in any blank fields where necessary.
    Note: Some fields may be auto-filled based on what you listed on your FAFSA.
  4. Create a user name and password.
    Note: Passwords must be a minimum of six characters and must include at least one number or special character, such as $, ! or &.
  5. Select three security questions you can easily remember and enter in the answers.

Dependent Student Requirements

Dependent students must include parent(s) information to complete the verification process.

  1. If you are a dependent student selected for verification, the Parent Information Box will appear.
    1. Have your parent's e-mail address, date of birth and social security number available when registering in the site.
  2. Enter the information requested, and click “Next” to continue.

Parent of Dependent Student Requirements

  1. Parent(s) will receive an e-mail with instructions to access the website and complete the process.
  2. Parent(s) with more than one student attending Lone Star College will have to complete this process for each student selected for verification.

Please be sure to follow the instructions carefully and accurately for uploading your documents.

Review Steps

  • Students/Parents who did not select the "IRS data retrieval" option on the FAFSA, may have to submit an IRS tax transcript.
  • After all documents are completed and/or attached for review, confirm and submit the package.
  • If all paperwork is satisfactory, a financial aid award letter will be sent to your myLoneStar campus e-mail account.
  • If additional clarification is required, another e-mail will be sent to your myLoneStar campus e-mail account.
    1. You must click on the link in the e-mail to access your account.
    2. Enter your account log-in information to the Personal URL (PURL) to provide the requested information as soon as possible to avoid further delays.

Dependent Students

Dependent students will receive an e-mail in myLoneStar after their parent(s) complete the process. Once the e-mail is received, log back into the PURL to confirm and send the documentation.

You may be asked to submit an IRS Transcript.

Transcripts can be requested on-line and are immediately available for print.

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