
Additional Dental Hygiene Program Requirements

VI.A.2.1. Health Occupation Programs Admissions Policy

Health Occupation programs do not consider applications from Prospective Students not at least 18 years old at the time of the program application's deadline—except that LSC-Tomball may honor a current contractual obligation with Klein ISD requiring the admission of students below the age of 18 years old. Any applicant that willfully misrepresents Material Information on the application will not be accepted or conditionally remain in a Health Occupation Program.

Pre-Admission Requirements

  • Mandatory Information Session
  • BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology 1 (Lecture and Lab)
  • CHEM 1405 Introduction to Chemistry or CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I (Lecture and Lab)
  • ENGL 1301 Composition & Rhetoric 1
  • SOCI 1301 Principles of Sociology
  • HSRT (Health Science Reasoning Test) - time limit, 50 minutes
  • 20 hours of Dental Hygiene Observations. 
    • 20 hours of observing a dental hygienist ONLY, NOT an Dental Assistant, Dentist, Front Desk staff,  or Sterilization Assistant
    • Observation hours CANNOT be completed in the current Dental Office you are employed
    • Observation Hours are valid for 3 years.
    • Observation hours can be completed in multiple dental offices
    • For each day that you observe, needs to be on a separate line with the hours that you observed for that day

Admission Requirements

Regulations require that students complete the Hepatitis B immunization series prior to the first day of class. This immunization series takes 6 months to complete.

  • How to Apply
  • The application period will begin the 3rd Wednesday in January and will end the 1st Wednesday in March by 4pm   Apply

The Lone Star College-Kingwood Dental Hygiene Program is a competitive acceptance program with acceptance based on multiple factors including, but not limited to, grades, course completions, pre-entrance exam scores , and interviews. Admission to Lone Star College does not guarantee admission to the dental hygiene program.

All correspondence will be sent to your Lone Star email. It is the applicant's responsibility to monitor his/her Lone Star email and meet all deadlines. 

The Applicant Must:

  1. Apply to Lone Star College (LSC).  If you need assistance, in the application process, please visit Student Services on a LSCS campus (LSC-CyFair; LSC-Kingwood; LSC-Montgomery; LSC-North Harris; LSC-Tomball).

  2. Submit all official transcripts from all colleges or universities outside of LSCS to the LSCS admissions office.  Official transcripts must be submitted to and evaluated by LSCS prior to applying to the dental hygiene program in order for the applicant to complete the application.  Applicants that apply without submitting official transcripts will not be allowed to complete the application process. Mail transcript to 20000 Kingwood Drive Kingwood, TX 77339  Attention: Office of Admissions

  3. Complete the following prerequisite courses with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, you must obtain a ‘C’ or higher in all courses within the degree plan. (Pre-requisite courses must be completed by Dec. 31 of the year prior to the year you are applying to attend the dental hygiene program.  Ex. Dec. 31, 2014 if applying to attend fall 2015):
    a.  CHEM 1405 Introduction to Chemistry or CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I (Lecture and Lab)
    b. SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology 
    c. ENGL 1301 Composition & Rhetoric
    d. BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology 1 (Lecture and Lab). (If  you have taken the required biology courses for the dental hygiene program, but took them more than 5 years prior to your admission into dental hygiene, please read our Biology Refresher Course Information.
    If you take a course more than twice, .5 points will be taken off your score sheet for each additional time that you take the course.

  4. Maintain a minimum overall 2.0 GPA.

  5. All students MUST watch the information session online video at the following link, www.lonestar.edu/dental-hygiene-dept-kingwood.htm. Afterwards, print and complete the required. Information Session Confirmation document. Then scan and upload to your online application once the application period is open. The form must include the Information Session Access Code.
  6. 20 hours of Dental Hygiene Observations- See attached form
    o 20 hours of observing a dental hygienist ONLY, NOT any Dental Assistant, Dentist, Front Desk staff,  or Sterilization Assistant
    o Observation hours CANNOT be completed in the current Dental Office you are employed
    o Observation hours must be completed prior to submitting your application.  Please make note any observation hours obtained will be valid for 3 years.
    o Observation hours can be completed in multiple dental offices. 
    For each day that you observe, needs to be on a separate line with the hours that you observed for that day.

  7. Complete the Health Science Reasoning Test (HSRT) - time limit, 50 minutes.  The cost of this test is $15.00 and is the responsibility of the applicant.  All applicants must take the HSRT.  The test may only be taken one (1) time each admission period. The deadline for the completion of the HSRT is 5 days prior to the END of the application period. Go to http://www.insightassessment.com/9SampleTest1.html for sample test questions. HSRT exam may be taken only once per application period.

  8. Complete the Lone Star College-Kingwood Dental Hygiene Program online application . (Do not write in the HSRT scores with pen or pencil on the score sheet. The score is imputed by a LSCK administrator.)

Post-Admission Requirements

  • Background Check
  • CPR Certification
  • Current CPR for health care providers: needs to be American Heart Association, BLS for healthcare providers with AED certification


Students are responsible for providing proof of current immunizations including MMR, Tetanus, and negative TB skin test. Entering students must have had the complete series of Hepatitis B Immunizations prior to the first day of class or show proof of immunity.

If unable to meet the Hepatitis B requirements for medical reasons, please follow the process below.

  • PLEASE NOTE: CDC guidelines recommend that students who are receiving their first Hepatitis B series follow the schedule of immunizations at zero, one and six months, with a titer four to six weeks following the third immunization. This takes seven (7) months.
  • Bacterial Meningitis Immunizations

Health Occupations Clinical Requirement

Lone Star College policy is consistent with Texas law as to requirements and admission of any resident or non-resident student. For admission and tuition purposes, residency is defined within Texas Education Code § 54.052. The Texas Department of State Health Services requires students who are enrolled in health-related programs to have specific vaccinations before they engage in direct patient contact activity with potential exposure to blood and bodily fluids. Please note that certain exclusions may apply in accordance with the law. See Texas Administrative Code § 97.62 for more information at https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&ti=25&ch=97&rl=62. Please note, however, that a clinical partner may require additional vaccines or documentation and may not accept certain exclusions. 

Students in the Health Occupations program must complete clinical rotations with a College clinical partners to fulfill program requirements. The College’s clinical partners are health care facilities that permit the College’s students to perform clinical rotations under their rules. Students will be notified of any additional documentation required by a clinical partner. All students must submit all required documentation prior to the start of a clinical rotation (or externship). Failing to strictly comply with a clinical partner’s requirements may delay or create clinical placement challenges depending on the clinical partner’s particular rules. The College does not control the clinical partner’s policies.

Students who are unable to complete the Health Occupations program clinical skills requirement will not be able to complete the program due to a lack of clinical placement. Additionally, students should note that a Social Security Number may be required for a background check, and may also be required for taking the licensing examination upon program completion. Students with student visas may have to provide additional or alternate information.

Students wishing to transfer from another dental hygiene program

An individual's request to transfer into the Lone Star Kingwood Dental Hygiene Program will be reviewed on an individual basis by the program director, and only after meeting Lone Star College entrance requirements. Transfer students must meet all admission requirements of the Dental Hygiene Program.  Any student requesting a transfer into the Lone Star College Kingwood Dental Hygiene Program must have earned at least a "C" in all transfer courses. It is recommended to allow a minimum of three months for processing.  Class placement is based on previous achievement and space availability. Admission is considered only if prior program enrollment has been within one (1) year and the candidate is in good standing in a program or in previous program. All of the following steps must be completed for consideration.

Students who were required to exit their original program for academic reasons must repeat all academically deficient courses and may be required to audit other program courses offered in the same semester. Students who were asked to leave their original program for violation(s) of the college or program's code of conduct, ethical standards, academic dishonesty, civil rights or harassment policies may be ineligible for transfer.
The following transfer student policies will also apply:

Students wishing to transfer to another college or university

In the event that a student wishes to transfer to another college or university, some dental hygiene courses may transfer to other institutions. Students should contact the transferring institution for details.

Legal Information

Lone Star College Policy is consistent with Texas law as to requirements and admission of any resident or non-resident student.  For admission and tuition purposes, residency is defined within Texas Education Code §54.052.

In addition, LSCS will notify students prior to, but not as a condition or requirement of admission, that  health care facilities will require students to have a Social Security number or a Visa as a condition of being assigned to a clinical facility. Students who are unable to complete the LSCS health program clinical skills requirement will not be able to complete the program due to a lack of clinical placement.

Additionally, LSCS will notify students that a Social Security number or a Visa may be required for a background check, and may also be required for taking the licensing examination upon completion of program requirements.

  1. Provide documentation from healthcare provider to the Program Director explaining that applicant is not an acceptable candidate for Hepatitis B vaccinations or titer.
  2. Upload documentation into application for admission to the program.
    1. Completion of official transfer application.
    2. Written statement from the student describing his/her reasons for originally leaving the program.
    3. Submit current official transcripts from any colleges or universities that the student has attended.
    4. Submit three letters of his/her standing from the prior dental hygiene program.  One letter should be a "report of status" from the former program director.
    1. A prospective transfer student who was not actively enrolled in a dental hygiene program for one year may be required to retake some or all previous dental hygiene courses.  Any prospective transfer student may also be asked to apply as a new student to the program.
    2. Prospective transfer students may be required to take Course Review Tests and/or Clinical Proficiency Exams in any or all previously completed courses.  The prospective transfer student must pass all Course Review Tests/Clinical Proficiency Exams, on the first and only attempt with a score of 75 or better.  Any grade below 75 is failing and the student will be ineligible for transfer.
    3. Transferability of previously completed coursework is at the discretion of the Lone Star College Kingwood Dental Hygiene Program and division counselor.
    4. Any student approved for transfer into the Lone Star College Kingwood Dental Hygiene Program will be required to fulfill all graduation requirements that are in effect at the time of transfer.

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