
Core Curriculum Application: GEOL 1401 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I

GEOL 1401 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I

Proposed Core Category: Life and Physical Sciences

The Geology team representative, Joann Labs has submitted a Core course proposal to add GEOL 1401 to the LSC Core in the Life and Physical Sciences Foundational Component Area.  
GEOL 1401 is also an ACGM course that will be new to the LSC inventory. The course has a corresponding Curriculog proposal that is in process of being reviewed and approved to add to LSC inventory.

Course Description:
Survey of geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy. Lab activities will cover methods used to collect and analyze data in geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy.

College Level Readiness in Reading AND Writing

Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain the current theories concerning the origin of the Universe and of the Solar System.
  2. Explain the place of Earth in the Solar System and its relationships with other objects in the Solar System.
  3. Relate the origin and evolution of Earth’s internal structures to its resulting geologic systems, including Earth materials and plate tectonic activities.
  4. Explain the operation of Earth’s geologic systems and the interactions among the atmosphere, the geosphere, and the hydrosphere, including meteorology and oceanography. 
  5. Explain the history of the Earth including the evolution of earth systems and life forms.
  6. Classify rocks and minerals based on chemical composition, physical properties, and origin.
  7. Apply knowledge of topographic maps, diagrams, and/or photographs to identify landforms and explain the processes that created them.
  8. Differentiate the types of plate boundaries, explain the processes that occur at each, and identify associated structural features on maps, block diagrams and cross sections.
  9. Apply relative and numerical age-dating techniques to construct geologic histories.
  10.  Measure atmospheric processes that affect weather and climate.
  11. Describe the composition and motion of ocean water and analyze the factors controlling both.
  12. Compare properties and motions of objects in the solar system. 
  13. Demonstrate the collection, analysis, and reporting of data.


Link to application documents:
GEOL 1401 Core Application -Syllabus-Supporting documentation 10-24-18.pdf

The comment period for this proposal is now closed.

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