
LSC-Tomball Career Services

How We Can Help

Career Services at Lone Star College-Tomball can provide several services to students. These include: Career Assessment and exploration, Resume & Cover Letter services, Practice Interviews and feedback, LinkedIn reviews, Job Search setup, Workshops, and Job & Career Fairs. Our goal is to collaborate with students, LSC-Tomball Staff & Faculty, and employers to provide positive career outcomes for our community partners. You can email our team at TomballCTC@lonestar.edu to request an appointment, get information, or get connected! 

Schedule Appointment Tomball CTC Visit & Workshop Request Employers: Recruit at a table visit! Job Posting Submission

Upcoming Events

Please look at the Lone Star College Event Calendar for details of our upcoming events! To see all of the Career & Transfer Connections' Events, click HERE for our Save The Dates!

Resources For You...

Career Star

Career Star is Lone Star College's online job board & career tool that provides information from the Greater Houston Area. It has a Career Assessment, Resume Builder, and an active Job Board. It is a FREE resource to anyone, so share the information with your friends, families, and continue to use it after you graduate or move on to the next chapter of your journey! Information on Career Star is relevant to Greater Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin metro areas.

Career OneStop
Career OneStop Logo
Career One Stop is a resources hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor and backed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). It provides a career assessments based on Skills Matching and Interests Inventory. This is a great resource for job outlooks outside of Texas's major metro areas and provides information on the national level. It also has other useful resources for job searching, resumes, and interview prep!

Resumes & Cover Letters
Resume & Cover Letter Templates Icon
The below Cover Letter & Resume templates are matching, so you can download and put in your information to have the tools to apply for any job! The templates are readable by automated resume applicant systems so you won't miss out regardless if your resume is reviewed by a person or AI! While these templates are accessible to all students, we can still help you create your application items or review and recommend edits. It's never bad to have a second set of eyes- they tend to see things you miss or don't notice. You can look at our Prepared Resume Samples for ideas!

Experience Learning Map
Experience Learning Map
Also called a Co-curricular Map, it aims to help you design and reflect on the intentional decisions in college. By using this tool, we hope it can help you understand how your college activities (such as course assignments) can develop marketable skills for you to use in your early career. We've included some guiding questions to help make the tool easy to use as you discover more about yourself, your major, and develop your different identities! This can be completed with the Career Advisor or your Academic Advisor- Here's the Template!

NACE's Career Readiness Inventory

NACE is currently rolling out their Career Readiness Assessment this Summer. We are hoping to have it available to you soon!

LinkedIn Full Logo
LinkedIn lets you build a professional network to both make your next move and stay in touch with those you've worked with. It also provides a platform for professional development (LinkedIn Learning), allows recruiters to contact you, and also has a job board for you to find potential new opportunities! Once you have an account, you can also follow our LSC-Tomball Career & Transfer Connections LinkedIn Page to stay in touch about upcoming job fairs and events.

Youth Employment Program
Tomball Economic Development Corporation Logo
The Youth Employment Program is a collaborative program hosted by the Tomball Economic Development Corp. to get our local young adults hired by the businesses in our Tomball community. The program's goal is to help create a talent pipeline for our local education institutions, local businesses, and community leaders. Ultimately, it aims to build and sustain a robust, well-trained, and highly skilled workforce in Tomball, Texas.

INROADS is a non-profit organization creating pathways to internships and careers for diverse high school and college students across the country. Their focus is on providing quality professional experiences to help students transition into their careers. They have over 17 sponsoring corporations that want to build tomorrow's leaders, today.

Work Simplr
Work Simplr
Work Simplr is a partnering resource to help students get short-term projects to work on that pay! Intended to work with your schedule instead of against it, the team at Work Simplr want to support students build skills as they attend classes that can help launch their career when they transition into the workforce. PLUS, it's not limited to LSC- as long as you are complete college- or graduate-level coursework, you can take jobs with Work Simplr! Hear testimonials from LSC Alumni here!

Work In Texas
WorkInTexas.com logo
Work In Texas  is a comprehensive online job search resource and matching system developed and maintained by the Texas Workforce Commission. It is a complete set of employment tools for job seekers or those looking to find education and training (much of which Lone Star College's Workforce Programs can provide)!. 

Texas Internship Challenge 
Texas Internship Challenge Logo
Texas Internship Challenge is a recommendation and collaborative effort between the major agencies of Texas: Texas Workforce Commission, Texas Education Agency, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Governor’s Office. This resource aims to link educational outcomes with workforce needs to spur economic growth across the state of Texas. It is great database for individuals looking for internships for their program requirements or those who need that step between graduation and going into full-time work!

Disability:IN's Neurodiversity @ Work Employer Roundtable
Disability:IN Logo
Disability:IN's Neurodiversity @ Work Employer Roundtable aims for businesses big and small is to welcome neurodivergent employees into the workplace, recognize and promote their strengths, and be aware of their unique needs. They provide a community for employers to engage these unique individuals. Job Seekers can click the following link to the databse: Access the Neurodiversity Career Connector.

Neurodiverse Workforce Recruitment Program
The Workforce Recruitment Program is an employment program managed by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy and the U.S. Department of Defense. It connects federal and select private-sector employers nationwide with college students, graduate students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through internships or permanent jobs.

The Forage Website Logo
Forage is a free resource to anyone with a .edu email address. Utilizing the idea of "Pre-Skilling", these online courses are built and conducted by employers to teach foundational skills necessary for someone to be successful in a variety of roles. What's also nice about The Forage is because the courses are directly created by companies, you are indirectly networking with possible employers to start or further your career!

Texas Workforce Commission
Texas Workforce Commission Banner with Logo
Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency aiming to meet the needs of the growing workforce in Texas. They provided professional development, resources, and scholarship/funding for individuals pursuing vocational/workforce education. Their goal is to help build a stronger economy and workforce in Texas for Texans. Financial Aid offices at Lone Star College also have a TWC liaison for those who receive approval for scholarship funds for their education!

NACE's Career Readiness Competencies
NACE's Career Readiness Competencies
Career readiness is a foundation from which to demonstrate requisite core competencies that broadly prepare the college educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. There are eight career readiness competencies, each of which can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. Having an understanding of them allows for students, college employees, and employers to develop specific strategies for the long-term development of our Timberwolf Talent. Click the following link to access NACE's document: NACE's Career Readiness Competencies.

Big Interview

Big Interview is an LSC preparation tool integrating AI to help prepare you to ace those interviews! Available to students, staff, and faculty of our college, this tool combines training and pracitce to help you improve and build confidence! In addition to providing practice interview questions, it has a recording feature for you to gauge yourself, information about the job search and interview process, and a mechanism to share videos with others! When registering, use LSC's code 4320 or follow our Video Tutorial.

LSC-Tomball Job Posting Submission & Template
Help us employ our LSC-Tomball Timberwolf students and alumni- we make it easy! If you don't have a job posting document, we've got a Job Posting Template for you to use! We've even got a Sample Posting to view.

Once you've gotten your job posting ready, you can submit it to Our Job Submission Form. If it's your first time using the form, we have a one-time employer information portion so we can stay in touch and let you know about Job and Career Fairs or partnership opportunities!

Career Star’s Online Job Board

Career Star is Lone Star College's online job board & career tool that is used by most Career Services and Advisors in the system. It has an active Online Job Board, which is free for employers to register and post open jobs. To Register, go to the CareerStar Employer Sign Up.

Lone Star College Career Fairs
Information about Career Fairs happening throughout the Lone Star College System can be found on our Career Fairs Webpage.

Make LSC part of your story.