Please make sure you read all of the instructions below before proceeding. Please be sure to fill out both forms to secure an appt.
No Show No Refund. Appointments are required!
Payment will be made directly to Elsevier/HESI. Follow these steps to get started:
Fill out the Registration Form CLICK HERE
- Once you click submit you will see the link to make your payment.
- Log in to your Evolve Account.
- Please Note: Users who belong to an institution that requires authentication through Federated Access will be directed to their institution’s login page to sign in. They will be redirected to Evolve after their sign in is successful.
- Add the HESI Student Access link to your Evolve Account.
- Go to your 'My Evolve' and click ‘HESI Assessment Student Access’.
- Click ‘Payments’, place in the Payment ID provided by the institution and click ‘Search’.
- A payment ID is a unique identifier for your exam or exam package payment request.
- The payment ID is included on the HESI e-Commerce Student Payment Notification email from your instructor.
- If you did not receive this email, please contact your instructor.
- Fill out the necessary information and review all details before proceeding to ‘Checkout’.
- After successfully processing the payment, your receipt can already be viewed on 'Payment History'.
- Once payment is complete click this link to request your testing appt. CLICK HERE
If you schedule an appt without paying for exam your appt will automatically cancel
*You must be a current Lone Star College student to test through us. You must also have a valid Photo ID.* ONLY 25 SEATS AVAILABLE
Testing Dates will be as follows:
March 7
March 28
April 4
April 25
For more information about testing deadlines and program requirements, see the Nursing Department websites:
Deadlines by campus:
Program Information by campus: