
Trevor Treks

About Trevor Treks

Trevor Trekors, formerly known as THE Tomball Experience, provide students in grades 3-12 with an opportunity to experience what it is like to attend Lone Star College-Tomball. Each day, provides an experience for a specific grade level and is designed to help students feel as if they are meant for college, that LSC-Tomball is THEIR college, and that LSC-Tomball should be their college of choice.

Timberpup Day

Timberpup Day is for students in elementary school (grades 3-5).  On this day, students participate in activities that showcase many of the programs and instructional technologies that are available at LSC-Tomball. 

Timberwolf Day

Timberwolf Day is for students in intermediate/junior high school (grades 5-8).  The two different experiences offered will stress the point that students ARE college material.  Since students are now choosing an endorsement area/pathway in intermediate/junior high, this day will give students an opportunity to explore pathways and careers.

College Exploration Day

College Exploration Day is for high school students. There are two different experiences for high school-aged students. 

  • The Next Step is for students in 9th and 10th grades. Students learn about preparing to take the next step as it relates to collee and job opportunities.  Specifically, students will learn about dual credit, internships, beginning to save mnoney for college, branding, communication, and more. 

  • College Exploration Day is for 11th and 12th grade students who may be considering LSC-Tomball as their college of choice. Students will spend a few hours as an LSC-Tomball student.  They will hear directly from LSC-Tomball students as well as participate in lectures, involvement and program fairs, and more.

For more information about any of the Trevor Treks, please contact Donna Fitzpatrick


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