
Third Party Vendor Information

When requesting information that involves a third party’s interest, such as a proposal received by LSC in response to a solicitation, it is generally necessary for the information to be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General for a determination on the disclosure of the information. The third party will be notified by LSC that their information has been requested.

If the third party desires that their information be withheld from disclosure, it is the responsibility of the third party to submit a written statement to the Office of the Attorney General containing the reasons their information should not be released.

All Proposals that contain a copyright will not be duplicated by LSC although they may be available for viewing by the requestor.

Please note that only the winning proposal is available for release as public information. It is the policy of the Office of Public Records to withhold the proposals and/or presentation materials of bidders who were not awarded contracts. Requests for such materials will automatically be forwarded to the Attorney General for a ruling and the vendor(s) will have the opportunity to present their arguments as described above.

For more information

Office of the Attorney General – Open Government: Requesting Proprietary Information

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