
LCISD Online Student Information

Access Your Online Courses from LSC-Online on Vimeo

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All LCISD Online Dual Credit students should complete the steps below prior to the first day of class. 

Step 1: Log in to myLoneStar

Step 2: Pay for dual credit courses

Step 3: Purchase Textbook(s) 

Step 4: Complete D2L Student Training (Previously Student Orientation for Online Courses)

  • D2L Student Training
  • This step must be completed in order to access classes in D2L
  • Please note: Students who have completed the orientation will not have to take it again next semester unless there is a major change in the course delivery system

Step 5: Find the Syllabus for your course

Step 6: How to view grades in D2L

Review Additional Resources to Support LCISD Online Dual Credit Students

Make LSC part of your story.