
Dual Credit at-a-Glance

High School Classroom

Advantages of Dual Credit

Time Icon
  • Accelerate time to degree completion by getting a head start in college - you could earn up to a year or more of college credit.
  • Earn High School and College Credit at the same time.
Money Saving Icon
  • Save money on college tuition.
  • Access Lone Star College-CyFair student support services - library, career services, computer labs, and tutoring.
Confidence Icon
  • Flexibility to attend classes at the high school campus, on the LSC campus or centers, and/or online.
  • Build confidence by easing the transition to college life and expectations.
Transfer Icon
  • Transfer many dual credit classes to Texas public colleges and universities and some out of state and private colleges and universities.
  • Complete college level certifications while in high school that can lead to immediate job opportunities.

To be eligible for Dual Credit you must:
  • Be enrolled in public or private high school or in a homeschool (under the age of 21) with an agreement with Lone Star College;
  • Obtain approval from the high school designee and parent/guardian for dual credit enrollment;
  • Complete college admissions requirements for exceptional admissions into the dual credit program;
  • Meet minimum college readiness test scores in reading, writing, math and/or prerequisites for the course(s) you want to take for dual credit.
    -Level I certificate programs are exempt from TSI requirements.
    -Non-credit Lone Star College programs offered while in high school have no college exam as a pre-requisite.
  • Eligibility for continued participation in the Dual Credit program requires satisfactory academic performance with earned grades of A, B, or C in all college level courses. Most colleges and universities do not accept transferred Core Curriculum courses with a grade of "D" or lower.
  • Students age 15 or younger must have a parent, legal guardian or authorized responsible adult at the LSC campus, center or facility to monitor the student’s activities outside of class and to be immediately available in case of an emergency. For policy information, please reference College Board Policy Manual Section II.D.2.01., II.D.2.02.(b), and II.D.2.04, available at www.lonestar.edu/policy.
For additional information about dual credit and dual credit eligibility, see LoneStar.edu/dualcredit for more information.

  • Lone Star College charges a reduced tuition rate (the price you pay for class by credit hours) for dual credit courses. Students only pay for tuition and textbooks.
  • Initial test fee for the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment is waived for dual credit students. Retests are $10 per section.
  • Textbooks and other instructional materials may be purchased from the campus bookstore in new, used, rental, or e-book formats if required for the dual credit course enrollment. If the course is offered on the high school campus, ask your dual credit counselor or designee if your ISD provides textbooks.

Course Prerequisites

A high school student in grades 9-12 is eligible to enroll in dual credit courses if the student meets the course prerequisites requirements required by both the secondary (ISD, charter, or private) school and LSC-CyFair.
  • High School: For specific enrollment requirements and prerequisites for high school credit, please meet with your dual credit high school counselor or designee.
  • LSC-CyFair: The student is required to meet all of LSC’s prerequisite requirements for the course, such as a minimum score on a specified placement test and/or minimum grade in a specified previous course as stated in the LSC Catalog.
Note: Secondary Schools (ISD, charter, or private) may select a different deadline that supersedes Lone Star College's published deadline. Please confirm the secondary school's deadline with your dual credit high school designee or counselor.

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