
ESOL Events

We welcome ESOL students and faculty to participate in an experience of cultures, traditions and foods from around the world.

Windows to the World Festival
The ESOL Department Celebrates Windows to the World Festival

A celebration of traditions, cultures, and foods from around the world. Spring is in the air, and so are the lively festivals from around the world!

A group photo of students and faculty members from diverse communities

Ladies is joy and excitement from the 2024 Windows to the World event

A group of out Arab students showing pride for the 2024 Windows to the World event

ESOL Students Group Photo with Heritage Country Flags

ESOL Students in Traditional Heritage Clothing

Two ESOL Students With Others in the Background Sitting at Tables

Spring 2024

Spring 2023

ESOL Thanksgiving Celebration
ESOL Fall Celebration Experience the celebrations that happen within the Fall.

ESOL students come together to learn and experience the celebrations that happen within the Fall in the United States.

A group photo of a bunch of ESOL students professors and faculty

A group photo of ESOL adjuncts and faculty

Pretty ladies lined up in pretty traditional Mexican dresses.

ESOL Students Serving Thanksgiving Food in Buffet Line

ESOL Students Sitting at Tables Enjoying their Thanksgiving Meal

ESOL Student Writing on Collage of What They are Thankful For

Fall 2023 Fall 2022

Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year Celebration

Three Women behind booth for Building Community and Happy Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year 2022
Origami Animals on booth table
Origami Activity for Lunar New Year 2022

East Meets West

Several individuals in traditional international clothing celebrating East Meets West Festival Spring 2018
East Meets West Festival Spring 2018

Make LSC part of your story.