LSC UP SGA Elections
LSC UP SGA Elections
The Student Government Association (SGA) is seeking dedicated and motivated students who are passionate about the future of Lonestar College University Park and representing the interest of the student body. If you are committee to making a positive impact and serving, your peers, SGA offers an excellent platform to do so!
This role requires a high level of responsibility and dedication as the decisions made by SGA have a far-reaching impact. Serving, not only a rewarding opportunity to support your fellow peers, but also provides invaluable educational, social, and leadership experiences that will benefit you both personally and professionally.
Benefits of Joining SGA
There are innumerable benefits to maintaining an active involvement in your college Student Government Association’s events, endeavors, and initiatives. Chief among these are as follows:
- Those engaged in SGA’s events throughout the semester are better equipped to run for office and hold an Executive during the next academic year
- Traveling to statewide and national conferences and workshops held throughout the United States focused on leadership building, teamwork, and enhancing productivity.
- SGA Executive Council members receive stipends based on the completion of both their individual and organizational responsibilities at the end of their year in office.
- Holding an SGA leadership position exponentially boosts your chances of transferring to the University of your choice, as it is an overarching organization with a greater degree of influence than most other RSO’s.
- Serving as an elected representative for your peers engenders a profound degree of professional development within an individual. Learning how you can make a difference in your college and community will equip you with indispensable abilities and lessons for the future.
Available Officer Positions & Descriptions
- To represent the student body in a manner that serves the interest of the students
- Create the agenda for all SGA Meetings utilizing the official letterhead (Executive Council, Dean of Student Services, General Assemblies, etc.)
- Preside over all SGA Meetings (Executive Council, Dean of Student Services, General Assemblies, etc.)
- Work with the Office of Student Life to confirm student members of the Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)
- Plan and facilitate the SGA President Forums
- Serve as the commencement speaker at LSC-UP Graduation Ceremony
Executive-Vice President:
- Function in the role of President of SGA in the event that short term absences occur
- In the event of the President of SGA taking an elongated leave of absence, be it through illness or otherwise, the Executive-Vice President will become Acting President, assuming all roles and duties of the President until the President can return or is replaced through a Electoral Vote
- Collaborate with the Coordinator of Student Life to do FAQ Fridays and the Semesterly Organization Trainings
- Promote collaboration with SGA and RSOs through collaborative events
- Manage all communication between SGA and the RSOs
- Host one RSO event per semester
Vice-President of Records:
- Print meeting agendas for all SGA Meetings
- Maintain and produce meeting minutes for all SGA Meetings
- Record attendance of all RSOs and students who attend General Assembly Meetings and the SGA President’s Forum
- Compose general emails to SGA Member/Interest list for General Assembly meetings
- Submit the Logistics Form (Request or Notification) by the deadline specified
- Manages all SGA forms and surveys. May include creation of forms, reports, and managing correspondence from respondents. E.g. student concerns form and SGA surveys.
- Maintain and monitor roster, forms, meeting minutes, archives, and place in Teams.
Vice-President of Finance:
- Maintain and monitor the SGA Official Budget
- Maintain and track budget utilizing the Official SGA Archives
- Be responsible for submitting the purchasing requests by deadlines provided
- Submit all Budget Requests and Annual Proposal to the SFAC Committee on behalf of SGA
- Serve on the SFAC Committee, in the event that they are unable to serve, another Executive Council member mut be selected
- Manages the budget utilizing the documents provided by the Office of Student Life
Vice-President of Outreach:
- Generate and promote all SGA and campus sponsored events
- Maintain all SGA Social Media platforms
- Post officer profiles on Social Media
- Submit all Marketing Forms within the deadlines specified
- Work with the Office of Student Life to make any updates to the SGA affiliated websites on
- Connect with College Relations to schedule professional headshots and group photos
- Maintain all photos, flyer, and other related documents to the SGA Official Archives
Vice-President of Service:
- Lead the capstone/service-learning project each year
- Lead a food drive for Leo’s Shelf
- Promote community service opportunities
- Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the non-profit organization contact list
Election Application & Timeline
Candidate Applications: Due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025.
Candidate Photos: Candidates must upload an appropriate headshot as a part of the online application.
Photo Guidelines -
- Candidates must be wearing business casual wear
- The photo should be of the candidate from the waist up.
- A clean, white background is highly recommended. Neutral backgrounds without distractions are preferred.
- We’re not looking for professional headshots, but please make sure the headshot is clear with good lighting. No pixelated/blurry images.
Applicants will be notified if they qualify for candidacy no later than Monday, March 31, 2025
Campaigning: The campaign period will run between March 31st - April 13th
Election: Will take place online April 14th-April 20th and on campus April 16th & 17th
Candidate Eligibility
All prospective Executive Council members (SGA Officers) must meet the following requirements:
- Enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours
- At least one course (at least three hours have to be taken at University Park)
- Must have a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5on a4.0 scale.
Election Committee
- The Election Committee is the Office of Student Life.
- The Elections Committee is responsible for communicating and interpreting all election rules.
- The Elections Committee determines if a candidate is eligible to run for office. (Enrollment, G.P.A., Academic, and Disciplinary information for each candidate is reviewed).
- The Elections Committee is responsible for determining campaign process.
- The Elections Committee determines, implements, and facilitates the voting system to carry out SGA elections.
- The Elections Committee is responsible for enforcement of the election rules and investigation of election complaints.
- The Elections Committee is responsible for posting election results and official statements relating to the elections.
Candidate Campaigning
- Campaigns are limited to Lonestar College University Park.
- All campaign materials must be submitted to the Office of Student Life prior to distribution. Candidates are not allowed to post on campus. Once the election committee has approved the campaign materials, they will post them in approved campus areas. (Campaign Materials may not include the Lonestar College logo.)
- Campaign materials shall contain only accurate and truthful information. Materials containing false or inflammatory content will be removed immediately by the Office of Student Life.
- Inflammatory material includes, but is not limited to, discriminatory statements or images, offensive/profane language, negative or false statements about any faculty or staff member or other LSC student, student group, or population of people.
- The posting of blatantly false, misleading, or inflammatory material in association with a campaign may be grounds for removal of a candidate from the ballot after a complaint has been filed with the Office of Student Life.
- Candidates are permitted to hand out approved campaign materials to students directly (money & gift cards are not allowed to be used as campaign materials).
- Posting campaign materials on vehicles at the campus is strictly prohibited.
- Distribution of candidate materials and/or solicitation of votes by candidates or their designees is prohibited within 25 feet of any entrance to a polling place.
- Candidates may only campaign during the dates established by the elections committee.
- Defacing, removing, demolishing, or otherwise tampering with any other candidate’s elections materials is prohibited.
- All campaign material must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the close of the campaigning period.
- Any violation of these rules by a candidate or party connected to candidate may result in disqualification.
Office of Student Life Campaigning
- The Office of Student Life will assist candidates in campaigning by
- Announcing candidates in scheduled email communication
- Posting approved candidate campaign materials in designated spaces on campus
- Announcing candidates on LSC UP Lion’s Den Social Media pages
- Any Lone Star College UP student organization may publicly endorse any candidate for office providing that it is not on any type of probationary or provisions status with the college and it has the prior approval of the candidate to be endorsed.
- Violations of election rules by any candidate or party connected to candidate may result in disqualification.
- Disqualifications are determined by the Office of Student life.
- If a candidate is disqualified during the election process, the candidate with the next highest vote will assume the officer position.
Election Day(s) Procedure
- Elections will take place over a week period.
- Elections will take place online and on campus (if permitted). Each student will only be able to vote once via our voting form.
- All students will receive the voting form link. They will be able to cast their vote online or at a designated polling location. Students will receive the link via email or during the designated polling days at the designated polling locations.
- Each student will only be able to vote once via our voting form.
The elections committee will share the results at least five business days after the polls close.
The candidate with the highest number of votes for each officer position shall be deemed the winner.
In the case of a tie for any position, there will be a run-off.
- If someone believes that election rules have been violated, a written complaint with necessary evidence must be emailed to the Office of Student Life (UPStudentLife@Lonestar.Edu) before the polls close.
- Upon the filing of a written complaint, within seventy-two (72) hours of the alleged infraction, a hearing shall be called before the election committee to determine the responsibility and if penalties shall be necessary.
All candidates are expected to thoroughly review the SGA Election Rules before the campaign and elections take place. Questions regarding the rules or guidelines should be directed to the Office of Student Life using the following email address: UPStudentLife@Lonestar.Edu.