Club Forms and Resources
The LSC UP Student Life Office is here to help all UP registered student organizations. Below we have compiled a list of student organization resources.
Please note, the information provided below is not meant to be a complete list of resources nor the way to access club resources. We welcome any student organization member to the Lion’s Den (CB229) to find additional club resources.
- RSO Student Handbook
- Annual Registration Form - All student organizations are required to renew their organization annually.
- Officer/Advisor Agreement - All Student Organizations Officers and Advisors must complete this form annually
- How to Start a Club
- New RSO Application
- Sample Constitution
- RSO Teams and GroupMe - The Office of Student Life has created a Microsoft Teams and GroupMe account to provide real time RSO Information, distribute club resources, and create connection and communication between RSO’s. Please request to be added by emailing
- Events
- Events Logistics Form - RSO’s must complete this form for all events.
- 25Live Room Reservation - Used for RSO Advisors booking their own room for events. (Event Logistics Form still required)
- Public Events Calendar - Used for RSOs adding their own events to the LSC UP event calendar. (Event Logistics Form still required)
- Facilities Request - Used for RSOs requesting their own set up for their events. (Event Logistics Form still required)
- OTS Request - Used for RSOs submitting their own OTS needs for their events. (Event Logistics Form still required)
- Equipment Check Out Form - Used to request available equipment for events and meetings.
- Purchasing
- Purchasing Request Form - Used for RSOs to request the Office of Student Life to purchase something on behalf of the RSO from the existing RSO budget.
- Funding
- SFAC - Learn more about the SFAC, when they meet, and more here.
- Request for Additional Funding Form - Used for RSOs to request additional funding from SFAC throughout the year.
- Marketing Requests - Used to request creation of marketing materials from graphic designer. (4 week turnaround time minimum)
- Marketing Approvals - Used to request approval for flyers created by RSOs.
- Social Media Guidelines
- Promotional Items - Please work with the Office of Student Life to find an approved vendor for promotional items. Please note, all promotional items will need to be approved by the Office of Student Life and College Relations prior to approval.
- Student Travel - All RSOs participating in student travel need to meet with the Office of Student Life at least 3 weeks prior to travel.
- Advisor must complete
- Advisor must work with the Office of Student Life to obtain the following from students
- Participant Release & Indemnification Agreement (TR3)
- Under 18 Participant Release & Indemnification Agreement (TR3)
- Student Travel Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement (TR4)- Please have students who are 18 years and older complete this form. Students who are under 18 years must have a guardian signature.
- Medical Form
- Student Travel Code of Conduct
- Additional Information
- Vehicle Use Guidelines
- Request to Operate A Motor Vehicle- Must be completed by all Advisors who request rental car to drive students
- Optional- Incident