Texas and National Arts Organizations
- Texas Associate of Schools of Art: www.tasart.org
- College Art Association: www.collegeart.org
- Women's Caucus for Art: www.nationalwca.org
- Society for Photographic Education: www.spenational.org
- National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts: www.nceca.net
- Craftcation: www.craftcationconference.com
- National Endowment for the Arts: www.arts.gov/grants
- Art League Houston: www.artleaguehouston.org
- Water Color Art Society Houston: www.watercolorhouston.org
- Colored Pencil Society of America: www.cpsa.org
- American Society of Botanical Artistswww.asba-art.org
- South Arts: www.southarts.org
- Southeastern College Art Conference: http://www.secollegeart.org/
- Foundations in Art: http://www.foundations-art.org/
- Mid-America Arts Alliance: http://www.maaa.org
- South Arts: www.usregionalarts.org/southern_arts_federation
Houston Museums:
- Museum of Printing History: www.printingmuseum.org/
- Museum of Fine Arts Houston: www.mfah.org
- Houston City for Contemporary Craft: www.crafthouston.org
- Lawndale Art Center: www.lawndaleartcenter.org
- Contemporary Art Museum: www.camh.org
- Buffalo Soldier Museum: www.buffalosoldiermuseum.com
- Holocaust Museum Houston: www.hmh.org
- Houston Museum of African American Culture: www.hmaac.org/?
- The Menil Collection: www.menil.org
- Foto Fest: www.fotofest.org
- Houston Center for Contemporary Craft: www.crafthouston.org
- Houston Center for Photography: http://www.hcponline.org/ Blaffer Art Museum: www.Blafferartmuseum.org
ART Stores:
Local-- Jerry's Art-a-Rama: www.jerrysartarama.com
- Texas Art Supply: www.texasart.com
- Aaron Brothers: www.aaronbrothers.com
- Hobby Lobby - Hobby Lobby: http://www.hobbylobby.com/
- Michael's: www.michaels.com/Art-Supplies
- Dick Blick: www.dickblick.com
- Utrecht Art Supplies: www.utrechtart.com
- Daniel Smith www.danielsmith.com
- R&F Handmade Paints: www.rfpaints.com
- Light Impressions: www.lightimpressionsdirect.com
Photography supplies
- Photo Source: www.photosourcetx.com
- Humble Camera Center: www.humblecamera.com
- Houston Camera Exchange: www.hcehouston.com
- Wolf Camera: www.wolfcamera.com
- Freestyle Photographic Supplies: http://www.freestylephoto.biz/
- B&H: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/
- Calumet Photo: http://www.calumetphoto.com/