Welcome to the Women's Basketball League!
The leagues are held in the Fall and Spring-Coordinated by Texas Southern University
Check with your Rec Sports Staff on your LSC Campus for more information
Leagues consists of local Colleges and Universities in the Houston area. Each school can enter a team as long as the players meet the below eligibility:
- Must be a currently enrolled student with at least 6 credit hours. Faculty, staff and alumni are ineligible to participant. If a player is graduating during the term of the current Lone Star Sport Club Conference league or tournament, and is enrolled for less than the minimum hours required for eligibility, then a letter from the registrar stating that the player will be graduating the same term of the event must be submitted.
- All participants must provide an ID (college/University ID) prior to each contest. A Driver’s License will be allowed if the college does not provide ID’s. No phone/paper copies of an ID will be allowed.
- Must represent the same institution. A player may play for another school within the same school system provided his/her "home" school does not already field a team and provided the player has the permission by the appropriate college administrator.
- Players must not be listed on the varsity roster (squad list) in the same or related sport for the current academic year.
- Players must not have been declared a professional athlete in the same or related sport.
- May not be on current academic probation during any contest.
- Must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0
- Houston Community College
- Lone Star College-CyFair
- Lone Star College-Tomball
- Prairie View A&M University
- Rice University
- Texas A&M University
- Texas Southern University