Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
The Office of Strategic Planning & Assessment supports educational programs in assessing learning outcomes at the course level, program level, and institutional level for continuous improvement.
What's New?
AY 2023-2024 SLO and PLO Closing- the- Loop Reports due date: September 15, 2024.
AY 2024-2025 SLO and PLO Opening- the- Loop Plans due date: September 15, 2024.
SLO/PLO Assessment Timeline and Frequently Used Resources:
- SLO Timeline (AY2024-2025) Regular Term
- SLO Timeline (AY2024-2025) Houston-North Only (Fall 2024)
- SLO Timeline (AY2024-2025) Houston-North Only (Spring 2025)
- PLO Timeline (AY2024-2025)
- SLO Quick Navigation Guide
- PLO Quick Navigation Guide
- SLO Handbook
- List of SLOs by Courses
PLO Assessment Resources
- List of PLOs for AA, AS, AAS, and Bachelor's Degree Programs
- List of PLOs for C1, C2, CE, ATC, and ESC Programs
- Curriculum Mapping in Action - Workforce Example
- Curriculum Mapping in Action - Academic Example
- Curriculum Mapping in Action - Academic Example
- Curriculum Mapping in Action - Workforce Example
- PLO - Course Alignment Map
- Workforce Program PLO-Course Alignment Map
- AA/AS PLO-Course Alignment Map
- Building Connections and Relating in the Outcomes Tool
Assessment Process
Step-by-Step Process Aligned with Training & Resources:
Step 1: Selecting Courses/SLOs
For assessment by Curriculum Teams (Before the start of the Fall semester).
- Select two courses and 4 SLOs each academic year (Each course assesses 2 SLOs, and both courses need to be assessed and reassessed before rotating to another set of two courses);
- Selected courses and SLOs need to be aligned with PLOs (AA/AS PLOs and Workforce PLOs);
- Curriculum Team Chairs are responsible for filling out the Curriculum Team Forms (CT Form) for courses and SLOs selected so that campus disciplines can follow the exact SLO # and Statements for their SLO assessment plans.
- The CT form needs to be completed before the Fall Semester.
Step 2: Planning & Sampling
By Chairs, Program Directors, Assessment Liaisons, faculty (Prior to the Start of Fall and/or Spring Semester)
Explanations for Planning:
- Academic disciplines develop SLO assessment plans for the selected two courses with 4 SLOs (create a total of 4 SLO Assessment Forms in Compliance Assist);
- Workforce programs, besides creating 4 SLO Assessment Forms, also create PLO Assessment Forms for all PLOs. The SLO assessment data should support the PLO assessment;
- Assessment Plans include such elements as course-PLO alignment, SLO or PLO statements, methods of assessment, criteria for meeting the outcome, and target outcomes.
Explanations for Sampling:
- 25% of sections need to be identified for SLO assessment;
- If the course has 4 or less sections, then all sections need to be assessed;
- Sections selection needs to be diversified to include online and dual credit sections, as well as sections offered at Centers;
- Faculty members teaching the selected sections need to be notified and trained to conduct assessment activities and collect assessment data.
- Chairs/program directors are responsible for identifying sections selected for SLO assessment using the e-Form.
- How to Create an SLO/PLO Outcome Statement
- How to Create an SLO Assessment Plan
- Examples of SLO Assessment Plan
- Examples of PLO Assessment Plan
- Section Selection Instruction Guide
Step 3: Assessing
SLOs/PLOs by Faculty (throughout Fall and/or Spring Semester)
- Faculty conduct learning activities and administer assignments designed to measure the degree of mastery of the SLOs or PLOs;
- Faculty score the assignments using rubrics or a scoring guide;
- Faculty calculating number of students participating in the assessment, number meeting the scoring criteria, and % meeting the criteria;
- % meeting the criteria = number met/number assessed.
- How to Design Methods of Assessment
- How to Create Rubrics
- Samples of Rubrics
- SLO Data Collection Worksheet
Step 4: Submitting Data
To SLO Data Collection Tool by Faculty (During the last Six Weeks of the semester)
- SPA will send an email and a link to Outcomes for SLO Data Collection to deans, chairs, program directors, and selected faculty to submit their SLO assessment data;
- SPA will generate the aggregated reports and send these reports to VPIs to distribute;
- If a workforce program requires the program-level data to assess its PLOs, the program director will be responsible for collecting these data;
- Fall semester’s data submission: from November 1 to the end of semester;
- Spring semester’s data submission: from April 1 to the end of the semester.
- How to Submit Data in Outcomes: SLO Data Collection Entry Form Instructions
- Overview of Assessment Forms and Tools
Step 5: Interpreting Data and Making Recommendations
By faculty and Curriculum Teams (At the Beginning of the Subsequent Semester after Data were Submitted)
- Engage faculty in the discussion of data, analyzing what factors impacted the results, and make recommendations based on the interpretation;
- Recommendations can be made in the area of instructional strategies, curriculum revision, student support, and faculty professional development, etc.
- If the campus recommendations impact curricular changes, then the Curriculum Team meets and makes recommendations;
- Recommendations made by the system-wide curriculum teams need to be documented in Compliance Assist in the Curriculum Team Work section of the Curriculum Team Form in Compliance Assist.
Step 6: Implementing Recommendations
By Chairs, Program Directors, and Faculty (During the
Subsequent Semester and/or Year after Recommendations were Made)
- Implement recommendations during the subsequent year;
- Report on the implementation at the end of the subsequent year in Compliance Assist in the Implementation section of the SLO Assessment Form and/or PLO Assessment Form (For example, the 2013-14 recommendations were implemented in 2014-15, so the report on the implementation should occur at the end of 2014-15 cycle and be put in the 2013-14 SLO/PLO Assessment Forms.)
Step 7: Closing the Loop Reporting
By the Assessment Liaisons (September 15 for End-of-Year
PLO assessment or Spring SLO assessment/February 15 for Fall SLO assessment)
- The closing-the-loop reports include reports on the actual results, interpretation of data, recommendations, and implementation of recommendations (the implementation part of the report occurs at the end of the subsequent year);
- If system-wide curriculum teams made recommendations on curriculum changes, then these recommendations and implementation of the recommendations need to be documented in the SLO/PLO Assessment Forms as well;
- SLO Closing the Loop Reports are due on February 15 for Fall assessment;
- September 15 is the due date for SLO Spring assessment and for the annual PLO assessment.
- How to Create an SLO Closing the Loop Report
- Examples of SLO Closing the Loop Reporting
- Examples of PLO Closing the Loop Reporting
Compliance Assist
- Compliance Assist Link (Login Required)
- SLO Form Quick Navigation Guide - Internal Users Only
- SLO Compliance Assist Navigation Tool - Internal Users Only
- SLO Assessment Form: Guide to Data Entry - Internal Users Only
- PLO Form Quick Navigation Guide - Internal Users Only
- PLO Compliance Assist Navigation Tool - Internal Users Only
- PLO Assessment Form: Guide to Data Entry - Internal Users Only