
LSC-North Harris TRIO Programs

Making the transition to a college can be intimidating to say the least. Which classes should you register for? Where do you apply for scholarships? Who can help you with your homework? We can help you find the answers!

The three TRIO programs are designed to support your education by providing you with the information and services you need to be successful in college and transfer to a four-year university.

The Talent Search program is a college prep program serving 6th grade - high school students. In addition to advising, participants receive assistance with college admissions, scholarships and the financial aid application. Students also have the opportunity to receive tutoring and attend various field trips to prepare them for college.

A federally funded program under the Department of Education serving Lone Star College-North Harris students. The SSS program is designed to increase retention and graduation as well as increase the transfer rates of students to four-year institutions.SSS  program will provide academic support and course selection, tutoring, financial aid and admission advising for transfer to four-year institutions.

Upward Bound is designed to assist first-generation, economically disadvantaged high school students in developing the skills and the motivation to succeed in college. Participants receive academic advising, standardized test preparation, tutorials, scholarship and financial aid assistance, cultural enrichment, career exploration, and college campus tours.

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