Earn college credit close to home!
Take college credit classes at Cleveland High School this fall! Attend an Information Session at Cleveland High School on Monday, August 10. Assistance with advising, registration and testing will be available August 11, August 15, August 17, and August 18 at CHS. Get started now!
Fall semester begins Monday, Aug 24.
Information Sessions
Monday, August 10, 5-9pm, Cleveland High School
Step by step guidance for admission, testing and the registration process. Choose from sessions at 5pm, 6pm, and 7pm.
Testing and Registration Sessions
Lone Star College-Kingwood staff will be on hand at Cleveland High School to help with advising, testing and registration.
- Tuesday, August 11, 5-9pm
- Saturday, August 15, 10am-2pm (Testing only)
- Monday, August 17, 5-9pm
- Tuesday, August 18, 5-9pm
Fall semester starts Monday, August 24. Apply online at lonestar.edu/registration. Advising and assistance are also available at the main campus, SCC 102.
For questions about testing, contact 281-312-1524. For all other inquiries, call 281-312-1557 or 281-312-1402.
Fall 2015
Credit courses at Cleveland High School. Register now!
- BIOL 2401 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Class #17958/9 MW 6:00-8:50pm, includes required lab
- EDUC 1300 Learning Framework: 1st Year Experience, Class #18012 T 6:00-8:50pm
- ENGL 1301 Comp & Rhetoric I, Class #18006 Th 6:00-8:50pm
- HIST 1301 US History to 1877, Class # 17953 T 6:00-8:50pm
- MATH 0309 Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning, Class #18014 MW 5:30-7:20pm
- MATH 0310 Intermediate Algebra, Class #18019 MW 7:30-8:50pm
- MATH 1314 College Algebra, Class # 10820 TTh 6:00-7:20pm