
Biennial Review of the Program

This program is the joint responsibility of the Departments of Office of Governance, Audit, and Compliance, Student Financial Aid, and the Police Department. Notification of the program, including information about health risks and sanctions for violation of the policy, will be provided annually to the students and employees of LSCS by these departments.

The LSCS Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program will be reviewed biennially. LSCS is committed to monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of the policy and program and what changes need to be made. LSCS ensures the uniform application of sanctions to employees and students. To perform this review, LSCS uses both formal and informal assessments.

  • Formally, LSCS maintains a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Review Committee. The Committee determines the effectiveness of this program and ensures the standards of conduct are fair and consistently enforced. The formal program review is conducted every two years by the Committee.
  • Informal assessment methods used in the review include student focus groups, administrative overview, and informal student surveys.
  • Modifications are made to the programs and the expected learning outcomes in an effort to evolve with changes in the student population.


A systematic prescriptive disciplinary process ensures each disciplinary referral is resolved appropriately, and the consequences or sanctions adequately address the nature of the issue. Emphasis is placed on student and employee development and a holistic approach to student learning and staff development.

For additional information on subjects such as laws, prevention initiatives, publications, community resources, and help for parents, you may access the Health and Human Services Website

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