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Conference Leadership

Linda Head
Associate Vice Chancellor Workforce Education and Corporate Partnerships
Founder, Lone Star College Women's Advisory Council
Chair, Lone Star College Women’s Conference
Thank you for your interest in the Lone Star College Annual Women’s Conference. Five years ago, a small group of women in leadership and business decided it was time to bring together four generations of women in the workplace. We wanted to share our recommendations on how to be successful, get to know each other, arrange mentoring models, and just laugh with one another about our shared stories.
As you are aware, at least three generations of women are successfully moving up into C-suite leadership roles, starting their own companies, raising children and having successful marriages—most of the time. But all of us have times when it just seems so overwhelming and unmanageable. This conference is about reinforcing important professional relationships to help you continue on your path to success. The power of women mentoring women!
The planning for this year’s conference is again led by a dynamic team of ladies who form the Lone Star College Women’s Advisory Council. This year’s speaker lineup is the best yet. Each year our family of Houston area women is growing, and we want to expand it state-wide! We want to know and learn from you!
I look forward to personally meeting you and sharing your stories. Please join us.
With admiration,

Amy Cooper
Manager Open Enrollment Corporate College
Co-Chair Lone Star College Women's Conference
The Lone Star College Women’s Conference is not just any conference, but a conference that provides encouragement, advice, vision and goal-setting for all women at any point in your career. This conference is designed each year to provide knowledgeable keynote presentations on the latest hot topic discussions in the workplace. LSC Women’s Conference is about taking first steps towards new goals, establishing new partnerships and most importantly meeting new friends who will share the same challenges and applaud your successes! I am honored each year to co-chair Lone Star College Women’s Conference and I look forward to meeting you!
Be Fabulous,

Message from the Lone Star College Women's Advisory Council
The Lone Star College Women's Advisory Council organizes this premier conference to support local professional women. Our attendees are building their next steps and we’re encouraging them to realize their potential—both in and out of the workplace. Lone Star College Women’s Conference has flourished into an event that provides established executives and new business professionals a full day of incredible keynote presentations in the various areas of leadership, goal-setting, communication, finance, problem solving, and much more. Women’s Conference also offers unique networking opportunities, assessments for skill building and provides women the option to mentor fellow professionals. The Lone Star College Women’s Conference Advisory Council plans each year to provide the most important one-day conference for professional development and personal growth to “achieve your best you.”
Be Inspired. Be Informed. Be Challenged.
Lone Star College Women's Advisory Council
Frankie Alexander | Nelda Blair | Gina Brown |
Amy Cooper | Teresa DeFord | Maribeth Duggins |
Carol Gooch | Pattie Harakal | Linda Head |
Nina Marino | Terri McCulloch | Laura Lea Palmer |
Melissa Rascon | Stacy Senn | Danielle Scheiner |
Sabrina Wagoner | Karen West | Penny Westerfeld |
Donna Wick |
2013 Conference Highlights Video
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