The purpose of the Faculty Senate of Lone Star College-University Park is to foster and encourage a learning environment based on integrity, trust, dignity, and respect while promoting academic excellence and success in the classroom, college and community. The organization is dedicated to the welfare of faculty, fostering and encouraging effective communication among faculty and between faculty and administration while promoting unity and coherence among faculty.
LSC-University Park Faculty Senate aims to provide a forum for raising, discussing, and promoting resolution of faculty issues. Anonymous comments may be shared with Faculty Senate via the following form.
The Faculty of Lone Star College-University Park, in order to promote education and success of our students; to promote communication and understanding among Faculty, the Administration, and the Board of Trustees; to achieve the highest possible degree of professional relations; and to assure standardized means whereby those affected by policies or procedures may have a voice in the development or modification of policy or procedure, hereby establishes the Faculty Senate of LSC-University Park, the procedures of which will be consistent with System policies, and governed by all of the provisions of Texas Law applicable to Community Colleges.
ARTICLE I : Name and Purpose of the Organization
SECTION 1: The name of this organization will be the Lone Star College-University Park Faculty Senate and will be designated as the Faculty Senate.
SECTION 2: The purpose of the Faculty Senate will be to provide a formal organization to accomplish the following
- foster and encourage a learning environment based on integrity, trust, dignity, and respect;
- promote academic excellence and success in the classroom, college, and community;
- promote the welfare of the faculty;
- foster and encourage effective communication among faculty and between faculty and administration;
- promote unity and coherence among faculty;
- provide a forum for raising, discussing, and promoting resolution of faculty issues.
ARTICLE II: Membership
SECTION 1: All LSC-University Park full-time employees primarily contracted as Instructional Faculty or Professional Faculty are members of the Faculty Senate. All Faculty Senate members are eligible to vote on issues put before the faculty by the Faculty Senate.
SECTION 2: All LSC-University Park adjunct faculty who are not also primarily contracted as LSCS administrators are non-voting members of the Faculty Senate.
SECTION 1: Scheduled Meetings
a. There will be at least one meeting each Fall and Spring semester with other meetings scheduled in accordance with the By-Laws.
b. The Faculty Senate President must convene a special meeting within ten (10) days after receiving a written request submitted by at least one quarter of the full-time membership.
SECTION 2: Agenda Items
a. The agenda of the Faculty Senate will be prepared and distributed by the Faculty Senate President in accordance with the By-Laws.
b. Members of the Faculty Senate may submit meeting topics, in writing, to the President of the Faculty Senate for consideration as agenda items.
SECTION 3: The faculty senate members present at a Faculty Senate meeting will constitute a quorum.
a. A simple majority vote of the quorum of fulltime faculty senate members will constitute a majority. A simple majority vote of the quorum will be sufficient for routine action items and resolutions of the Faculty Senate.
b. Non-routine action items, as defined in the By-Laws, require action by all eligible voters in accordance with Article II, Section 1, and Section 2.
c. Members may assign their votes by written proxy.
ARTICLE IV: Officers of the Faculty Senate and Elections
Eligibility: Fulltime Member of the Faculty Senate
The President of the Faculty Senate will preside at the meetings of the Faculty Senate. The President will prepare and distribute the meeting agenda. The President will also serve as the official representative of the Faculty Senate in situations where such representation is necessary or desirable, including meetings with the Chancellor, President/CEO of the College, and other administrative persons to discuss actions and concerns of the faculty. Additionally, the President will appoint committees of the Faculty Senate and charge those committees with their responsibilities.
Eligibility: Fulltime Member of the Faculty Senate
The Vice President will serve as the acting president of the Faculty Senate in the absence of the President. The Vice President will also perform duties as requested by the President.
Eligibility: Fulltime Member of the Faculty Senate
The Secretary/Treasurer will keep written accounts of the Faculty Senate meetings and distribute minutes to all Faculty Senate members. Minutes are to be distributed following the completion of each meeting in accordance with the By-Laws. The Secretary/Treasurer will be the custodian of all Faculty Senate records, policies, financial statements, and proceedings in accordance with the By-Laws. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the Secretary/Treasurer will serve as the Acting President of the Faculty Senate until an election can be held.
In case of the vacancy of an office, the President (or Acting President) of the Faculty Senate will, with the majority consent of the Faculty Senate quorum, appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term or alternatively request a special election.
SECTION 1: The President of the Faculty Senate will make the necessary provisions for the election of officers in the Spring semester of even numbered years.
SECTION 2: Nominations for office will be accepted from the floor during a regularly scheduled meeting or by signed letter to the President of the Faculty Senate. Officers will be elected from the fulltime membership at large through secret ballot. Determination of office holders will be a simple majority of those voting.
SECTION 3: The terms of Officers, beginning with the start of the Fall semester of even numbered years, will be two years.
SECTION 4: The term limitation of Officers will be 2 terms or 4 consecutive years, whichever comes first. Term limitations may be exceeded by two thirds vote of full-time Faculty Senate membership, or if an Office is unopposed.
ARTICLE V: Committees of the Senate
SECTION 1: Faculty Senate will maintain standing committees in accordance with the By-Laws.
SECTION 2: Jurisdiction of committees: Each committee, in conformity with its charge, will report its recommendations to the Faculty Senate.
SECTION 3: The agenda for all regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meetings will include provisions for allowing standing committee reports.
ARTICLE VI: Amendments
SECTION 1:Constitution
The Constitution may be added to or amended by a two thirds vote of full-time Faculty Senate membership provided the amendment has been read at a regularly scheduled meeting and has been placed on the agenda for the next meeting. If the motion to amend receives acceptance at that or another regularly scheduled meeting, the general ballot will take place in a timely fashion.
By-Laws may be added or amended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate by a two thirds vote full-time Faculty Senate membership provided that the amendment has been read at the previous meeting and appears on the published agenda for the meeting at which the vote will take place.
By-Laws Article I: Meetings
a. The first Faculty Senate meeting will be held within the convocation week or first week of Fall and Spring semesters at a date, time, and place designated by the Faculty Senate President. b. Regular meetings will be held monthly during Fall and Spring semesters at a date, time, and place designated by the Faculty Senate President.
a. The agenda will be published to the Faculty Senate at least three days before the scheduled meeting.
b. Agenda items must be submitted to the Faculty Senate President at least four days prior to the meeting.
c. Action items can only be voted upon if included on the published agenda. Conveyance of information and formation of ad-hoc committees are not considered action items.
d. Non-routine action items are election of officers, constitutional amendments, removal of officers from office, or other items as determined by a consensus of the Faculty Senate officers.
e. For non-routine items, all fulltime Faculty Senate members will have access to voting procedures.
f. Minutes will be distributed within two weeks following each Faculty Senate meeting.
By-Laws Article II: Officers of the Senate and Elections
SECTION 1: The Secretary/Treasurer will ensure meetings are conducted in compliance with Robert’s Rule of Order.
SECTION 2: A secret ballot will be any method in which an individual voter’s identity is not revealed and also ensures that an individual votes only once.
SECTION 3: Candidates are encouraged to provide public position statements on issues important to Faculty Senate prior to the election.
By-Laws Article III: Standing Committees
SECTION 1: The following are standing committees of the Faculty Senate:
- Rights and Responsibilities (as needed)
- Safety (as needed)
- Faculty Excellence Award
- Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award
- Social
- Professional Development
SECTION 2: The following are standing committees of Lone Star College System on which the Faculty Senate has representation:
- Benefits/Compensation
- Faculty Workload
- Faculty Handbook
- Policy Review
- Online Learning Council
- Sabbatical
- Core Curriculum
SECTION 3: The following are standing committees of Lone Star College-University Park on which the Faculty Senate has representation:
SECTION 4: Standing committees can be added to or removed from the By-Laws by a majority vote.