

To register for classes at Lone Star College, you’ll need to submit official transcripts from any previously attended institutions. Learn how to send and request transcripts, the available delivery options, and what to expect during the evaluation process. Check your status and track your requests with ease to ensure timely registration and credit evaluation.

To register for classes LSC must have official transcripts from all colleges or universities you have previously attended. Once received, it may take 2-4 weeks for your transcript to be evaluated for appropriate credit. Transcripts are only considered official if they are sent directly from the transferring institution. LSC receives official transcripts in the following ways:

Most Texas institutions send official transcripts electronically via the SPEEDE network which allows faster evaluation. Check with your institution to see if they can send with SPEEDE. Official PDF Transcripts can be emailed directly from the college or university to: Registrar@LoneStar.edu.

Note: The Registrar’s office does not accept unofficial transcripts.  Students can use an unofficial to register for classes with their campus advisor.  https://www.LoneStar.edu/advising.htm

If you had an official high school or college transcript sent to LSC, you will receive an email to the personal email account on record once we have processed it.  Processing time for transcripts received is 3-5 business days from the time it arrives in our office. To check the latest status of your transcript and avoid waiting on the phone, please log in to myLoneStar, select your Applicant Homepage to see if institution is checked off. Please monitor your myLoneStar email account for further updates.

You can request your official Lone Star College transcript be sent to the location of your choice.  

Lone Star College utilizes the National Student Clearinghouse, to process all official transcript requests. Official transcripts can be sent via electronic PDF, or sent electronically through a secure means. For all colleges and universities participating in the Electronic Transcript Exchange (SPEEDE), the default delivery option will appear as 'Send Electronically'. These are institutions that have agreed in advance to exchange transcripts electronically, which is the fastest and most secure delivery method. For all other recipients, you can choose the method of delivery. 

PLEASE NOTE: PDF orders sent to students are unofficial and are not mobile friendly. PDF's must be sent directly to the receiving party to be considered official. 

If you have ordered an official LSC transcript to be sent to another college or to yourself, please check your email for confirmation from the National Student Clearinghouse. You can track the processing of your transcript request at National Student Clearinghouse and receive email or text message status updates. Click the green Order-track-verify button and complete the prompts to view the status of where your order is in the process. The price for each official LSC transcript requested is $9.00.

Order Your Official LSC Transcript Now

Student Services

Need an unofficial transcript?  You can generate and print your own through the student portal. View the instructions in the Viewing an Unofficial Transcript Job Aid to learn more.

  1. Did you receive my transcript? Where’s the transcript I sent?
    If you had an official high school or college transcript sent to LSC, you will receive an email to your Lone Star College student email account once we have processed it.  Processing time for transcripts received is 3-5 business days from the time it arrives to our office. To check the latest status of your transcript and avoid waiting on the phone, please login to myLoneStar, select your Applicant Tile to see which transcripts have been received.  If there is a green checkmark, all transcripts have been received.  Please monitor your myLoneStar email account for further updates.
  2. Did you send my transcript? When do you send my transcript?
    If you have ordered an official LSC transcript to be sent to another college or to yourself, please check your Lone Star College student email for confirmation from the National Student Clearinghouse. You can track your order at www.studentclearinghouse.org. Click the green Order-track-verify button and complete the prompts to view the status of where your order is in the process.
  3. How do I get my transcript or how do I order my transcript?
    This information is already on the transcript page – use that language.  https://www.LoneStar.edu/transcripts
  4. How do I get an enrollment verification?
    Enrollment verifications can only be completed once the official day of record has passed for your individual class(es).  Your syllabus will have the official day of record for your class.  Approximately one week past the official day of record, you can log into your myLoneStar, click on the Student tile, and then click on Academic Records in order to get an enrollment verification. If you have questions or need assistance with an enrollment verification, please visit your Campus Admissions/Records Office.
  5. When is my transcript going to be evaluated?
    Transcripts are evaluated in the order received.  During normal business it takes 3-5 days to be evaluated once received.  However, during peak times of the year it could take up to two weeks to be evaluated. Students will receive an email to their myLoneStar email once a transcript has been evaluated.
  6. For questions related to Residency, visit https://www.LoneStar.edu/residency.htm

Important Information Related to Your Transcript Order:

Electronic PDF delivery - This option may be selected after verifying that your recipient will accept this form of delivery. Note: colleges will not accept PDFs sent directly from students. Additional Documents - Ordering online enables you to upload documents that must accompany your transcript (e.g. LSAC, AMCAS, and/or scholarship forms). You will be presented with the upload option while placing your order. Status updates will be emailed or sent via text-message.

Online transcript tracking is available. For questions about the transcript ordering process, check the Transcript Ordering Help or contact the National Student Clearinghouse at transcripts@studentclearinghouse.org or 703-742-4200. For other transcript questions, contact Student Records at Registrar@LoneStar.edu.

Transcript Ordering Help

Make LSC part of your story.