- Title IX
- Academic Integrity
- Academic Appeals
- ADA 504/508
- Emergency Procedures
- Concealed Carry
- Covid 19 Prevention Recommendations
The College will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) when collecting, maintaining, and releasing student records. Students have rights regarding their records.
(a) The right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of the College's receipt of a written request for access.
(b) The right to request amendment of the student's education records if the student believes the records are inaccurate, misleading, or violate the student's privacy rights.
(c) The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
(d) The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The College collects directory information regarding each student. Directory information includes the student's name, classification, full or part-time enrollment, program of study, dates of enrollment, degrees and certificates received, and awards and honors received. The College may release directory information without the student's consent unless the student requests that the College not release directory information.
The College also collects student addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses, which LSC classifies as Limited Directory Information. Only College Partner Organizations can request a student's Limited Directory Information. LSC may release Limited Directory Information to College Partner Organizations without a student's consent unless the student requests the College not release this Limited Directory Information.
Any student objecting to the release of all or any portion of such information must complete the FERPA release at my.LoneStar.edu in the online Student Center under Personal Information - Security/FERPA Restrictions.
Release of any additional information pertaining to student records must be authorized by the student (i.e., grades, transcripts).
Title IX
LSC complies with the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, Violence Against Women Act of 2013, and the Jacob Wetterling Crimes against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act. Relevant information can be found in the Lone Star College Annual Security Report available online at LoneStar.edu/police
Please review LSC's Board Policy and Chancellor's Procedures on Sexual Harassment, Assault, Violence, and Discrimination Process to find more information including how to report a violation to the Title IX Coordinator. Policy & Procedures are found at LoneStar.edu/policy
Academic Integrity
Lone Star College upholds the academic core values of learning: honesty, respect, fairness, and accountability. LSC promotes the importance of personal and academic honesty from its students, instructors, and faculty members. LSC's academic integrity policies embrace the belief that all learners-students, faculty, staff, and administrators - produce their own work and give appropriate credit to the work of others. No fabrication of sources, cheating, or unauthorized collaboration is permitted on any work submitted to the College or work submitted to third parties.
LSC treats academic integrity violations or engaging in academic dishonesty by students as grounds for disciplinary action under LSC's Academic Misconduct Policy found in Board Policy Section V.F. LSC treats academic integrity violations or engaging in academic dishonesty by instructors as grounds for disciplinary action under Board Policy Section IV.
Academic Appeals
V.G.1. General Provisions
V.G.1.1. Academic Appeals
The College recognizes a student’s right to consistent and relevant forms of assessment. An academic appeal is a formal request brought by a student to change a grade for the reasons below. Students have 12 calendar months from the date the grade was posted by the registrar to submit an academic appeal. A grade may only be changed by the instructor of record, the instructor’s department chair, the academic dean, or the Academic Appeals Committee. Should an instructor of record’s employment end or otherwise become incapacitated or unavailable, the department chair, or the academic dean may enter grades on the incapacitated or unavailable faculty member.
V.G.1.2. Definitions
(a) Incapacity means the physical or mental inability to enter grades for the purpose of this subsection V.G.1 only.
V.G.1.3. Bases for Academic Appeal
A student must meet one of four requirements in order to qualify to file an academic appeal. The student must have some evidence that there exists at the time of the appeal: (1) a mathematical error in the grade’s calculation, (2) a deviation—by the instructor—from the course syllabus or the College’s policy manual (this document), (3) disparate treatment of the student not covered by EEO (e.g., race, color, sex, and etc.) policies, or (4) an inappropriate academic misconduct penalty was imposed against a student. Any basis for appeal outside of those four categories will not be considered and the College will simply inform the student of this policy and refuse to process the appeal. An appeal will not be considered merely because the student is dissatisfied with a grade or disagrees with the instructor’s professional judgment of the quality of the student’s work or performance.
The Board has delegated to the Chancellor the authority to implement Chancellor’s Procedures to carry out the Academic Appeals Policy.
ADA 504/508
LSC recognizes and supports the principles set forth in federal and state laws designed to prevent and eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities. LSC believes in equal access to educational opportunities for all individuals and is committed to making reasonable accommodations, including furnishing auxiliary aids and services, for individuals with disabilities as required by law. Please review LSC's Board Policy and Chancellor's Procedures on Students with Disability Rights (Section VI.D.11) to find more information, including how to request accommodation.
Policy & Procedures: LoneStar.edu/policy
Disability Services: LoneStar.edu/disability-services
Emergency procedures
Lone Star College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn, study, and work. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility. In the event of a health, safety, or environmental emergency while on campus, students should immediately contact LSC Police at 281.290.5911 or the administrator on duty. If you know you will need assistance to evacuate during an emergency, please register by calling 281.290.3667 or emailing oem@lonestar.edu. We encourage you to register to receive emergency notification via your cell phone or personal email by updating your my.LoneStar.edu information or registering at LoneStarCollegeAlert.
Detailed information on LSC emergency procedures is available by visiting LoneStar.edu/oem or selecting Emergency Management at the bottom of each webpage.
Concealed Carry
The Texas Legislature enacted campus carry by passing Texas Government Code § 411.2031, effective at LSC on August 1, 2017. Texas Government Code § 411.2031, known as the Campus Carry law, amends of the Texas Government Code and Texas Penal Code to allow license holders to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. To carry a concealed handgun on LSC campuses, an individual must have a valid License to Carry issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. License holders may carry a concealed handgun on or about their person on LSC's premises except within exclusion zones. LSC students, employees, and visitors on LSC's premises or at LSC-sponsored or affiliated events are prohibited from openly carrying a handgun-holstered or not-on LSC premises.
LSC has established rules and regulations regarding enforcement of Campus Carry, which are found at LoneStar.edu/WeaponsProcedures. For more information about Campus Carry, visit the LSC Campus Carry website at lonestar.edu/campuscarry.
Anyone may report a visible handgun on LSC's premises or LSC events by contacting the Lone Star College Police Department at 281-290-5911 from any phone or 5911 from a Lone Star College phone.
Lone Star College COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations
Lone Star College is dedicated to the health and safety of all employees and students with a strong commitment to student engagement and success. In coordination with federal, state, and local mandates and guidelines, Lone Star College has established general COVID-19 prevention expectations below. Campus-specific COVID-19 protocols shall be provided to you by campus presidents.
The expectations and protocols may be changed as the COVID-19 situation evolves. Please direct campus protocol questions to the campus president.
Lone Star College supports students with online tutoring, online bookstore access, online library resources, with access to Office 365 available. Information about tutoring and available resources may be found at the Student Resources Website.
Lone Star College implemented the COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations listed below for students attending class on a Lone Star College campus during the current semester. Be sure to stay home if you are feeling ill or if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for illness.
On-Campus1 and In the Classroom
- If you are sick, please stay home.
- You should stay at least three feet from others while on campus.
- You should sanitize your hands regularly, but especially prior to entering a classroom and when leaving.
Notifications of Possible Exposure
- If you have COVID-19 please let your instructor know as soon as you are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and email the College at LSC-ReportVirus@lonestar.edu
1.For purposes of this document, “campus” and “on-campus” includes both indoor and outdoor spaces located on a Lone Star College property.