
Science & Engineering Tutoring


Engineering, Chemistry, & Physics

To find out the current Science tutoring schedule, please visit the Tutoring Area or call 281-290-3279.

What Our Tutors Can Do for You

  • Help you with assignments related to your coursework
  • Refer you to books and web sites that will act as a follow-up to your tutoring session

The Science Center

Biology, Physics and Chemistry Tutoring
Located in room LRNC 203, the Science Center provides a quiet area in which you can study science subjects alone or in study groups. As well as Internet access, the Lab has microscope slides, rocks, and laboratory models of bones, muscles, brain, eye, ear and skin.



STEM fields of study include science, technology, engineering, math, health occupations, psychology and social sciences. For more information about STEM related studies here at CyFair, click here.

Other Services

The Academic Success Center presents student success seminars,exam jams and other learning activities. Please see the campus closed-circuit TV, your instructor, and campus bulletin boards for times, dates and locations.

Make LSC part of your story.