
RSO Resources

New RSO Registration Period

Fall – August 15-October 15
Spring – January 15-March 15

Starting a Registered Student Organization Guide

Existing RSOs are required to reregister annually. All forms needed for this are available online and linked below.

Re-registration Deadline

Fall – October 15
Spring – March 15

The RSO Handbook is a quick reference tool for students and advisors. Use it find forms, contacts, and procedures for carrying out your responsibilities.

The current handbook is up to date as of July 2019. 

Download the RSO Handbook

RSO Registration Requirements

The RSO Open Registration Period is currently open for Spring 2020 (January 15th-March 15th). The following items must be submitted during this period.

All RSO Officers and Advisors are required to complete Risk Management Training annually. Access the link below to view the training presentation. Once viewed, please go to the Risk Management Training Form link below to complete the questions that relate to the presentation. The Office of Student Life will receive a notification after each person completes the training, and an automated completion confirmation will be sent to your email as well. If you are not sure if you have completed it, please contact our office at Kingwood.StudentLife@LoneStar.edu.

All students involved with a Registered Student Organization must abide by the Student Code of Conduct. Additional policies relevant to student organizations are listed below.


In accordance with the Penal Code of the State of Texas, no person affiliated with a Lone Star College-Kingwood Student Activities Club or Organization may participate in hazing practices. This includes but is not limited to:

  • "performing an act or subjecting another to a situation or action that causes undue mental or physical discomfort or danger to one's self or others;
  • is morally degrading or ethically unsound; causes public humiliation;
  • could cause damage to public or personal property;
  • is contrary to any local, state or federal laws;
  • interferes with educational activities, or is not in keeping with the stated educational mission of" Lone Star College.

(Taken from The University of Tampa Student Organization & Advisor Handbook 2009-2010).


Athough student leaders have freedom of choice in the selection of members, they may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, disability, age, veteran status, national origin, or ethnicity.

Lone Star College students pay a Student Activity Fee of $2.00/credit hour (http://www.lonestar.edu/tuition.htm) each semester. These funds constitute a fund that can be used for student activities as outlined by the State of Texas (http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/ED/htm/ED.54.htm). Student organizations can request funds to promote their club, travel on behalf of their club, and conduct club functions by submitting a fee request. Requests are reviewed by the Student Activity Fee Committee (SFAC) where final recommendations are made.

  • Student Activity Fee Request Form (PDF)

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