

II.B.1.01. Public Comment Policy

The College welcomes comments or feedback from members of the general public. Trustees, individually, are accessible to members of the public to hear comments or feedback, so long as members of the public understand that individual Trustees cannot act on behalf of the Board except for properly noticed public Board meetings.

Members of the public may also provide comments or feedback during the citizen participation portion of a properly noticed public Board meeting. The Board may recommend comments and feedback received for discussion on a future Board meeting agenda.  

II.B.1.02. Public Comment Exceptions

Public comments, feedback, or complaints governed by any other resolution procedure or process instituted by the College will be directed through those channels for resolution.

II.B.1.03. Public Comment Procedure

The Chancellor, or a designee, in coordination with the Office of the Chancellor and the College’s Office of the General Counsel, may develop and implement procedures for resolution of complaints received by the College from members of the public.


LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 1, 2016


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