Game Design and Simulation Developer-Programmer Program

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)



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Median Salary


Annual Job Openings


Currently Employed


Occupational Description

Design core features of video games. Specify innovative game and role-play mechanics, story lines, and character biographies. Create and maintain design documentation. Guide and collaborate with production staff to produce games as designed.


Salary by Experience

Entry Level - $31,827

Mid Level - $73,341

Senior Level - $142,981


Employment Projection


General Skills

  • Programming
  • Active Listening
  • Reading Comprehension

Job Tasks

    Balance and adjust gameplay experiences to ensure the critical and commercial success of the product.

    Devise missions, challenges, or puzzles to be encountered in game play.


Wage and projection data is sourced using: Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) data from the Bureau of Labor (BLS) for state level wage data Employment Projection Tables (EP) from Bureau of Labor (BLS) for the projections data Data may vary based on experience, education and geographical area.

Program Pathway

Printable Program Flyer


Game Design & Simulation Developer-Programming, Level 2 Certificate

Game Design & Simulation Developer-Programming, Level 2 Certificate Total33
First Semester15
ITSC 1301Introduction to Computers3
ITSE 1302Computer Programming3
ENGL 1301Composition & Rhetoric I3
GAME 1303Intro Game Design & Development3
EDUC 1300Learning Framework: 1st Year Experience3
Electives - Any Academic Transfer Coures (ACGM)
Second Semester15
MATH 1314College Algebra3
CORE Core - Language, Philosophy, & Culture [40]

Course options listed in the catalog.

GAME 2305Interactive Writing II3
GAME 1304Level Design3
ITSE 1307Introduction to C++ Programming3
Third Semester3
GAME 2338Game Testing3

Certificate received upon completion!
Credits can be invested into next level.

Game Design and Simulation Developer-Programmer, AAS

Program Admission Prerequisites
Prerequisite: Completion of Game Design & Simulation Developer-Programming Certificate, Level 2 Certificate (33 Credit Hours)
Game Design and Simulation Developer-Programmer, AAS Total27
Third Semester12
ITSE 2317Java Programming3
GAME 1343Game and Simulation Programming I3
ITSE 2331Advanced C++ Programming3
ARTV 1303Basic Animation3
Fourth Semester15
GAME 1359Game & Simulation Programming II3
GAME 2303Artificial Intelligence Programming I3
INEW 2338Advanced JAVA Programming3
SOCI 1301Principles of Sociology3

Course options listed in the catalog.


Diploma received upon completion!

As of: Fall 2024

60Total Credit Hours

  • Students who are classified as First Time in College (FTIC) will complete EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework: First Year Experience.
  • Students who are not classified as First Time in College (FTIC) and have not yet demonstrated college-level readiness in reading and writing and/or math (depending on selected course), will complete EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework: First Year Experience.


Program Details

  • Game programmers will learn what it takes to make the game design function properly.

Program Highlights

  • Game Programmers create code to align the technical side of the game with the designer's vision. This includes programming characters, actions, and triggered events of how the artificial intelligence runs in the game.
  • Students pursuing game programming will graduate with a solid background using C++, C# and other languages as well as the knowledge to manipulate game engines and level editors.

Credentials and Careers

  • Students will learn the technology and what it takes to work in the Game Industry from real life professionals willing to mentor students as they go through the program. They will finish with a working game demo and portfolio that show their ability to perform the job.
  • Graduates of the AAS program qualify for Entry Level Programming and Scripting positions at Game Development Studios all over the world.


  • General education courses (Core) are designed for easy transfer to Texas public institutions and applicable to requirements at private and out-of-state institutions.
  • Technical coursework may be transferable to other institutions.

Please consult with a program advisor for more information about transferability.

  • Students who are classified as First Time in College (FTIC) will complete EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework: First Year Experience.
  • Students who are not classified as First Time in College (FTIC) and have not yet demonstrated college-level readiness in reading and writing and/or math (depending on selected course), will complete EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework: First Year Experience.

For careers and median salaries, visit Career Star for more information.

  • Game programmers will learn what it takes to make the game design function properly.

Program Highlights

  • Game Programmers create code to align the technical side of the game with the designer's vision. This includes programming characters, actions, and triggered events of how the artificial intelligence runs in the game.
  • Students pursuing game programming will graduate with a solid background using C++, C# and other languages as well as the knowledge to manipulate game engines and level editors.

Credentials and Careers

  • Students will learn the technology and what it takes to work in the Game Industry from real life professionals willing to mentor students as they go through the program. They will finish with a working game demo and portfolio that show their ability to perform the job.
  • Graduates of the AAS program qualify for Entry Level Programming and Scripting positions at Game Development Studios all over the world.


  • General education courses (Core) are designed for easy transfer to Texas public institutions and applicable to requirements at private and out-of-state institutions.
  • Technical coursework may be transferable to other institutions.

Please consult with a program advisor for more information about transferability.

Game Design & Simulation Developer-Programming Certificate Level 2 Certificate

  1. Design a simple computer game from initial concept to final design document.
  2. Identify the stages of project completion.
  3. Identify the different testing types.

Game Design and Simulation Developer-Programmer AAS (also includes certificate PLOs)

  1. At the conclusion of the Game Design and Development Program, the student will deliver a portfolio that demonstrates entry-level skills within their concentration.
  2. Evaluate and review games to ascertain quality of design, playability, interest and appeal.
  3. Demonstrate industry professionalism and the ability for continuous growth through membership in industry organizations, attendance at industry-related conferences and participation in professional social networking.


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