
Automotive Lubrication Technician Certificate

Continuing Education (Fast Track)





Program Details

--This program is available for Foster Youth ages 17-24 only--

Lone Star College has partnered with Petra Cares to offer foster youth an educational opportunity that will lead to a sustainable career. For those who qualify the partnership will enroll and train students in the LSC Automotive Lubrication Technician program each year. Additionally, Petra Cares will provide students with transportation, course materials, tools, childcare assistance, technical training, and life skills. The LSC Automotive Lubrication Technician program is a 192 hour-training, a seven-week program focused on teaching an introduction to automotive technology, basic service skills, and an overview of electrical systems. The goal is to train students on the skills necessary to seek employment as an automotive lubrication technician handling basic preventative maintenance and other routine automotive care.

Upon successful completion of the LSC Automotive Lubrication Technician program, graduates will earn a certificate, and Petra Cares will provide free auto mechanic training and job placement with its industry partners. Students must successfully complete all LSC required training, meet all required technical skills, and be in good standing as a program completer. (Background and Drug Screening may be required). Contact Keith Coleman to learn more about the program and review eligibility criteria.



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