
Nursing - Associate Degree Program: Block Curriculum Path

Level 2 Certificate (CERT2)



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Median Salary


Annual Job Openings


Currently Employed


Occupational Description

Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management. Licensing or registration required.


Salary by Experience

Entry Level - $67,473

Mid Level - $93,386

Senior Level - $117,086


Employment Projection


General Skills

  • Social Perceptiveness
  • Active Listening
  • Speaking

Job Tasks

    Record patients' medical information and vital signs.

    Administer medications to patients and monitor patients for reactions or side effects.


Wage and projection data is sourced using: Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) data from the Bureau of Labor (BLS) for state level wage data Employment Projection Tables (EP) from Bureau of Labor (BLS) for the projections data Data may vary based on experience, education and geographical area.

Program Pathway

Printable Program Flyer


Block Curriculum Path

Block Curriculum Path Total60
Prerequisite Semester7
BIOL 2401Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
ENGL 1301Composition & Rhetoric I3
First Semester13
BIOL 2402Human Anatomy & Physiology II4
RNSG 1309Introduction to Nursing3
RNSG 1215Health Assessment2
RNSG 1144Nursing Skills II1
PSYC 2301General Psychology3
Second Semester12
RNSG 1341Common Concepts of Adult Health3
RNSG 1261Clinical: Adult Health Nursing2
RNSG 2213Mental Health Nursing2
RNSG 2162Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse1
BIOL 2420Microbiology for Non-Science Majors4
Third Semester15
RNSG 1343Complex Concepts of Adult Health3
RNSG 2208Maternal/Newborn/Womens Nursing2
RNSG 2161Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse1
RNSG 1301Pharmacology3
RNSG 2360Clinical - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse3
CORE Core - Language, Philosophy, & Culture [40]

Course options listed in the catalog.

Core - Creative Arts [50] (as of Fall 2024)

Course options listed in the catalog.

Fourth Semester13
RNSG 2207Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse2
RNSG 2331Advanced Concepts of Adult Health3
RNSG 2201Care of Children and Families2
RNSG 2160Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse1

Course options listed in the catalog.

As of: Fall 2024

Apply to LSC Nursing

Program Details

 Designed around classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences by content area such as care of children, adult health and care of families. This program is designed for students interested in becoming a registered nurse (RN). The curriculum is organized where the learning experience is divided by nursing content area. Offered at LSC-Cy-Fairundefined

For careers and median salaries, visit Career Star for more information.

  • The Nursing program develops the abilities to assess patient/client health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care, evaluate responses, and accurately document. Students are prepared to deliver care across the lifespan and to patients/clients of diverse populations, families and/or communities. Students are prepared for interdisciplinary collaboration in which they will promote, restore, maintain, and advocate for optimal health outcomes for individuals in their care.

Program Highlights

  • LSC Nursing Programs offer state of the art simulation equipment and laboratories. Students participate in hands-on training at clinical sites one day each week.

Credentials and Careers

  • The Nursing AAS Program-Block Curriculum Path is a 60 credit hour program, 5 semester program offered at LSC-Cy-Fair. The Nursing, AAS Program-Integrated Curriculum Path is a 60 credit hour, 5 semester program; a Level 2 Nursing Assistant, comprised of 34 hours; and an ADN to VN, Level 2 Certificate, comprised of 44 hours. These programs are offered at LSC-Kingwood, LSC-Montgomery, LSC-North Harris, and LSC-Tomball. The Nursing, AAS Program-Transition to Professional Nursing Path is a 4 semester, 60 credit hour program offered at LSC-Kingwood, LSC-Montgomery, LSC-North Harris, and LSC-Tomball.
  • Job opportunities include registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse.


  • General education courses (Core) are designated for easy transfer to Texas public institutions and applicable to requirements at private and out-of-state institutions.
  • Technical coursework may be transferrable to other institutions.

Please consult with a program advisor for more information about transferability.

  1. Demonstrate accountability and responsibility for the delivery of care within the ethical and legal scope of practice, professional standards, and best practice.
  2. Manage information using technology to support decision making to improve patient care.
  3. Demonstrate responsibility for continued competence in nursing practice and develop insight through reflection, self-analysis, and self-directed learning.
  4. Provide safe, compassionate, comprehensive, individualized patient-centered nursing care, based on the nursing process and evidence-based practice to culturally diverse patients and families across the life span and wellness-illness continuum.
  5. Develop, implement, and evaluate teaching plans to address health promotion, maintenance, and restoration.
  6. Advocate for the provision of safe quality health care for patients and their families.
  7. Coordinate human information and material resources in providing care for patients and their families.

Each LSC Nursing program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326. You may access the ACEN website or via telephone at 404.975.5000. All LSC Associate Degree and Vocational Nursing Programs are approved by the Texas Board of Nursing (TBON), 333 Guadalupe #3-460, Austin, TX 78701. You may access the TBON website or via telephone at 512.305.7400.

Upon completion of the Associate Degree or Vocational Nursing Program requirements, graduates may apply to take the licensure exam to become a registered nurse (RN) or vocational nurse (LVN). Completion of the nursing program, however, does not guarantee eligibility for the licensure exam. Eligibility for the National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) or National Council Licensure Exam for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) is determined solely by the Texas BON. Employment in this field requires Texas licensure from the Texas Board of Nursing.

Clear Criminal History (BON)

Applicants are required to have a clear criminal background check. Applicants who have a criminal history, mental illness, or chemical dependency of any kind must apply to and resolve it with the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) by completing a Declaratory Order prior to the beginning of the program.

The process for filing a Declaratory Order (DO) with the Texas Board of Nursing has changed. Students can no longer file a DO in advance. All prospective applicants who were fingerprinted PRIOR to 2010 will be required by the Texas Board of Nursing to redo their fingerprints. Here is the process for filing a DO:

  1. Any student with a positive criminal background, history of mental illness within the last five years, or chemical dependency within the last five years must contact the Director of Nursing at the campus of their first choice.
  2. The Director of Nursing will email the student a FERPA form.
  3. Students will download, sign, and email the form back to the Director. The signed FERPA form provides Directors with the permission to send personal information to the TBON (address, DOB, SS#) for the initial background check.
  4. After Lone Star College submits your name on a roster, the TBON will send you an initial outcome letter detailing the next steps in the DO process.
  5. Students are advised to gather official legal/medical documents that may be requested by the TBON to expedite the process.
  6. Students should allow 60 days for the TBON to respond after the initial review.
  7. Students with a history of felony criminal conduct may be required to submit at $150 fee to the Board of Nursing. Students with this type of history are encouraged to submit a Declaratory Order one to two semesters prior to their planned admission to allow for review and disposition of the case by the Board.

In addition to the Hepatitis B Quantitative titer required at the time of application and upon conditional acceptance into any LSC nursing program, students must also submit a physical examination, official records of current, positive serological titers (for rubella, rubeola, mumps, and varicella). Current annual test for TB, Tdap, annual flu vaccination and screen for Hepatitis C are also required. There may be additional requirements to be complaint with clinical affiliations.

At the time of application, applicants must submit a Quantitative (numerical value) Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer (HbsAb) laboratory report (with reference range) dated within the past three (3) years. (The HBsAb is a blood test.)

  • Students with a report that states "POSITIVE" will NOT BE accepted.
  • Students with negative/non-immune HbsAb titer or a negative qualitative titer are required to submit the following documentation with the application:
    1. Documentation of the previously completed series of three (3) vaccinations
    2. The original laboratory report reflecting a lack of immunity to the hepatitis B virus.
    3. Documentation of the first booster shot in the next series of three (3) or four (4) vaccinations after the negative titer.

Students who wait until the final week of the application period to submit their applications run the risk of being denied admission due to the submission of an incorrect document, such as a wrong Hepatitis B titer. Submission of incorrect documents will cause the application to be rejected. It is the student's responsibility to read and understand the requirements of the application process and to submit an application with the appropriate required documents in a timely manner.

PLEASE NOTE: CDC guidelines recommend that students who are receiving their first series follow the schedule of immunizations at zero, one and six months, with a titer four to six weeks following the third immunization. This takes seven (7) months. Receiving the immunizations/ vaccinations without the titers is NOT SUFFICIENT and may prevent students from being admitted to clinical sites.

  • Students must submit official transcripts from colleges attended other than LSC.
  • All Biology courses submitted for program credit must be equivalent to four (4) credit hours (lecture with lab component) and completed no more than five (5) years prior to application. Refresher anatomy and physiology and microbiology courses are available through continuing education for students whose biology is older than five years and who do not desire to repeat the courses for credit. The grades earned from the older credit biology courses will be used for grade point calculation where applicable.
  • If a nursing pharmacology course (RNSG 1301 - Pharmacology) is submitted for program credit, it must be at least three (3) credit hours and must have been completed no more than five (5) years prior to application for the nursing program. Nursing Pharmacology courses submitted for program credit must be three (3) credit hours and must be completed no more than five (5) years prior to application to the nursing program.

Students must be physically and emotionally able to meet all program requirements including the rendering of safe nursing care in the clinical setting. These abilities involve lifting, moving, bathing, and transferring patients in and out of bed, calculating medications, and being able to communicate clearly and effectively with patients and members of the healthcare team.

Please review the Health Occupation Programs Admissions Policy regarding minimum age requirement.

Students must submit a completed, electronic application ranking their preferred college's nursing programs. Application deadlines are posted on the college's websites. Separate applications to the college nursing programs are only required if the submission deadline dates differ.

Admission requirements, selection criteria and the application process for the nursing programs are presented in regularly scheduled information sessions on each LSC campus or online for LSC-North Harris and LSC-Tomball. Students accepted into the LSC nursing programs must adhere to the Code of Conduct and other policies found in the system and nursing student handbooks, which can be found on the LSC website. Final acceptance into the program is contingent upon meeting all medical requirements and a satisfactory criminal background check or clearance by the Texas Board of Nursing and Social Security number verification. Students must submit a completed, electronic application ranking their preferred college's nursing programs. Application deadlines are posted on the LSC websites. Separate applications to the college nursing programs are only required if the application deadlines differ.

Admission Criteria - Integrated Curriculum Path and Block Curriculum Path

In addition to the admission requirements of the system and the general requirements listed above, the following are requirements for admission into the associate degree nursing program. The application process is competitive, with students being accepted into the programs based on scores determined by grade point average of prerequisite courses, the scores from the national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test, grades in BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, BIOL 2420, and RNSG 1301, and overall GPA at LSC. Refer to the nursing website for a sample score sheet. The formula utilized will allow the addition and/or subtraction of points for RNSG 1301 and BIOL courses, and the overall GPA of an applicant. Students seeking admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program must meet the following requirements:

  1. Students must be college ready in reading and writing as evidenced by LSC approved exam scores showing placement into ENGL 1301 - Composition & Rhetoric I or completion of developmental co-requisite courses.
  2. Students must be college ready in math as evidenced by a score of 80% or higher on the entrance HESI (A2) EXAM.
  3. Complete the following prerequisite courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.7 or higher:
    1. BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I and
    2. ENGL 1301 - Composition & Rhetoric I.
    3. Note: BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I is required to meet the admission criteria; however, the highest grade in BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I or BIOL 2402 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II will be used for calculation of GPA for application purposes.
  4. Students must obtain a grade of a "C" or higher in all courses required in the associate degree nursing (ADN) degree plan.

Beginning in the Fall of 2025, the scoring criteria of applications will include a point scale for course grades in RNSG 1301 and all BIOL courses as well as a point scale for overall GPA.

Below is the formula that would be used to calculate admission scores in addition to the HESI scores:

Admission Criteria - Transition to Professional Nursing for Articulating Students

In addition to the admission requirements of the system and the general requirements listed above, the following are requirements for admission into the associate degree nursing program. The application process is competitive, with students being accepted into the programs based on scores determined by grade point average of prerequisite courses, the scores from the national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test, grades in BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, BIOL 2420, and RNSG 1301, and overall GPA at LSC. Refer to the nursing website for a sample score sheet. The formula utilized will allow the addition and/or subtraction of points for RNSG 1301 and BIOL courses, and the overall GPA of an applicant. Students seeking admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program are required to:

  1. Students must be college ready in reading and writing as evidenced by LSC approved exam scores showing placement into ENGL 1301- Composition & Rhetoric I or completion of developmental co-requisite courses.
  2. Students must be college ready in math as evidenced by a score of 80% or higher on the entrance HESI (A2) EXAM.
  3. Complete the following prerequisite courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.7 or higher:
    1. BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I,
    2. RNSG 1301 - Pharmacology, and
    3. ENGL 1301 - Composition & Rhetoric I.
    4. Note: BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I is required to meet the admission criteria; however, the highest grade in BIOL 2401 - Human anatomy & Physiology I or BIOL 2402 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II will be used for calculation of GPA for application purposes.
  4. Students must obtain a grade of "C" or higher in all courses required in the associate degree nursing degree plan.
  5. Students must possess a current license or privilege to practice as a licensed vocational nurse in the State of Texas, current National Registry EMT Paramedic Certification, current Texas Department of Health EMT Paramedic Certification, OR current Texas Department of Health Paramedic License.

Beginning in the Fall of 2025, the scoring criteria of applications will include a point scale for course grades in RNSG 1301 and all BIOL courses as well as a point scale for overall GPA.

Below is the formula that would be used to calculate admission scores in addition to the HESI scores:

Admission Criteria - Vocational Nursing

In addition to the system admission requirements, the following are required for the vocational nursing program. The application process is competitive, with students being accepted into the program based on scores determined by: grade point averages and the scores from the national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test. Refer to the website for a sample score sheet.

  1. Students must be college level in reading, writing, and math. Students who are currently enrolled in developmental co-requisite courses may apply to the VN program pending successful completion of the sequence.
  2. Students must complete BIOL 2404 - Intro to Anatomy & Physiology with a grade of "C" or higher (Completion of both BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I & BIOL 2402 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II is accepted in place of BIOL 2404 - Intro to Anatomy & Physiology and is recommended for those students planning to transition into the ADN program).
  3. Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in college level courses.

There may be additional immunization requirements to be compliant with clinical affiliations. Student is responsible for clinical affiliation requirements beyond the LSC requirements (fit testing, immunization database, etc.).

To remain in good standing and progress within the nursing curriculum, students must:

  • maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and attain a grade of "C" or better in each nursing and general education course designated in the VN certificate or ADN degree plan, and
  • successfully complete all concurrent nursing courses to advance to the next level.

Costs incurred while in the nursing program include tuition and fees for the nursing courses as well as additional expenses for textbooks, uniforms, serological titers and booster immunizations, immunizations, testing fees, clinical/lab equipment, and licensure fees. Nursing students are also responsible for the costs of their physical examinations, CPR certifications, background checks, Social Security number verification, drug screens, health care insurance, and transportation to and from clinical agencies for day and evening learning experiences. Students enrolled in the nursing program are required to take nationally-normed tests throughout the curriculum and to make satisfactory scores on each test. All costs for the exams and remediation are the student's responsibility. Review the nursing website at LoneStar.edu/nursing-dept for further details.

Medical insurance is required by clinical sites during the student's enrollment in a LSC nursing program. Students are responsible for any costs incurred related securing medical insurance.

Complete the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support Provider certification.

Drug screens are required by clinical sites during the student's enrollment in a LSC nursing program. Students are responsible for any costs incurred related to drug screens.

Student is responsible for clinical affiliation requirements beyond the LSC requirements (fit testing, immunization database, etc.)

It is the responsibility of the student to be certain that prerequisite and co‐requisite courses are completed as prescribed in the degree plan/certificate plan. Advisors, nursing faculty, and the program director are available throughout the semester and during every registration period to advise students on required course work. It is the responsibility of the student to review the individual degree plan/advising profile with an advisor each semester.

Failure to review the degree plan/advising profile on a regular basis could jeopardize progression to the next nursing course or delay the granting of the AAS degree or VN certificate. The student cannot sit for the state licensing exam until all required courses and program requirements for the degree/certificate are completed and grades are officially processed by the College System.

A three‐hour elective in the area of Creative Arts/Language, Philosophy & Culture is required to complete the associate degree plan. The student should validate the choice of an elective with an advisor before enrolling in the course. *Refer to the current college catalog for Degree Plan for the year admitted or readmitted to the program (also Refer to Progression Requirements in LSC Catalog).

An individual's request to transfer into any LSC nursing program will be reviewed on an individual basis by the program director and Transfer/Re-admissions Committee. Course placement is based on the type of program attended (block or integrated), previous level of achievement, and space availability. Admission is considered only if previous program enrollment has been within one (1) year. Transfer request for completed nursing coursework (within two semesters of inquiry) at other colleges is evaluated individually and acceptance is based on program space availability. Transfer students must meet all admission requirements of the nursing program.

Students who have had two (2) unsuccessful attempts in any nursing courses at other institution are not eligible for transfer into the nursing programs at LSC. Transfer applicants will be required to submit a letter of their standing from the previous nursing program director. Refer to LSC websites for additional information regarding the nursing program transfer guidelines.


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