
LSC-North Harris - Disability Services Office

LSC Disability Services (DS) staff assist current and future students by determining and recommending appropriate academic support services. We also focus on helping students with disabilities make a successful transition to college and act as a referral source for services both on campus and within the community. 

It is our mission to provide students with disabilities with equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from college services, programs, facilities, and activities. LSC Disability Services (DS) staff assist current and future students by determining and recommending appropriate academic support services.  

To schedule an appointment or for additional questions, please contact the LSC-North Harris - Disability Services Office at NH-DSO@lonestar.edu or 281.765.7940. Please use your LSC email if sending an email and include your LSC student ID number.

New Students: Getting Started

1. Self Identify
Contact the LSC-North Harris - Disability Services by phone 281.765.7940 or email:
NH-DSO@lonestar.edu and self-identify as a student with a disability.

2. Request Accommodations Online through VDAC
The LSC Virtual Disability Assistance Center (VDAC) is the Lone Star College cloud-based software hosting a secure location that will process and hold disability services requests for students with disabilities at all Lone Star College campuses.

3. Provide Documentation
Students are responsible for providing documentation of disability. Because K-12 and Higher Education laws differ, it is important to note that K-12 documentation may not fully satisfy LSC documentation requirements. Please contact the North Harris Disability Services office by phone 281.765.7940 or email NH-DSO@lonestar.edu to obtain further clarification on documentation that meets our guidelines.

4. Actively Engage
You matter! LSC expects students to actively participate in all discussions and decision-making about your accommodations. Stay engaged!

5. Please note that the intake process requires you to have completed the New Student Checklist and be registered for classes before scheduling a meeting with our Disability Services Provider to discuss class accommodations.

Returning Students: A New Semester

Lone Star College Policy states that students must identify themselves each semester as individuals requesting accommodations based on a qualifying disability. 

This is because the type of class (e.g., online, lecture) and the subject (e.g., Math, Art) are just a few items considered when developing accommodations. 

Once accommodation eligibilities are approved, LSC students log in to the Virtual Disability Assistance Center (VDAC) to select which eligibilities they will apply to each class.

Log in to VDAC and renew accommodation requests today.

Contact Information

The Disability Services Office is located in the Winship Building, Room 120. You can call or email: 281.765.7940 or NH-DSO@lonestar.edu.

Juanita Torres 
Manager, Disability Services Office


Angelia London-Johnson 
Specialist II, Assistive Technology Lab

Student Services

Campus Service Location Contact Information
Assistive Technology Lab Winship Building
Room 120

Angelia London-Johnson


Tutorial Services Academic Building
Learning Center
Room 201A
Assessment Center Student Services Building
Room 105
Alternative Formatting Winship Building
Room 120
Testing Accommodations Winship Building
Room 120
Readers & Scribes Winship Building
Room 120
Interpreters Request 72 hours (3 business days) in advance online:
Interpreter/Transcribing Services Request Form
SO-Interpreting Services@lonestar.edu

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