Alexandria Flores is in her second year at Lone Star College-University Park and majoring in business administration. Alexandria is currently exploring different career paths and taking various classes to expand her horizons. She grew up in California and moved to Texas when she was ten. She works full-time at a preschool as a teacher's aide and enjoys being involved within her community and LSC-University Park.  

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Women’s History Month 2021 Q&A - Alexandria Flores

Name: Alexandria Flores
Position: Student
Years at LSC-University Park: 2 Years

Alexandria Flores is in her second year at Lone Star College-University Park and majoring in business administration. Alexandria is currently exploring different career paths and taking various classes to expand her horizons. She grew up in California and moved to Texas when she was ten. She works full-time at a preschool as a teacher's aide and enjoys being involved within her community and LSC-University Park.  

How did you arrive at LSC-University Park? 
When I was in high school, a Lone Star College advisor and ambassador came to speak about the college and its opportunities. At first, I was very hesitant to apply because all of my friends were going to major universities. After realizing LSC-University Park would provide me with many opportunities, I quickly applied and registered for my classes.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?
Women’s History Month is about highlighting the most amazing women in our lives and the women who have fought for our rights. There have been thousands of women before me who have done incredible things that allow me to live life the way I do today. It is also important to celebrate women’s history to influence young girls who will also have an impact on the world!

Why is it important that we celebrate women’s history?
Women's History Month brings light to all the accomplishments and differences women have made. It is important to remember those who have fought for gender equality and women's rights so that we can appreciate them even more. Women's History Month also encourages other women to continue working through the hardships and continue to grow.

Who has been a big female influence or role model in your life?
My biggest female role model would have to be my mom, Alejandra. She grew up in a different country and learned English when she moved to the United States. She was the oldest of 8 kids and always made sure her younger siblings were taken care of. 

When I started school, she started noticing I had difficulties with reading and comprehension. Every day when she was off work, she made sure to help me with my homework and remind me that I was smart and could do anything I put my mind to. When I turned 10, she became a single mother, and we had to move to Texas. She worked day and night to make sure her kids had everything they needed. She was able to buy her own house in an amazing neighborhood with love and laughter in the house. I wouldn’t be where I am without her.  

Describe the importance of pursuing education as you were growing up?
I am a first-generation college student. Ever since I could remember, I knew I wanted to go to college and gain a higher education. To me, education allows more opportunities and enriches your life. I have been given the chance to try so many new things through my education, and I have acquired skills that will enhance my life in the future. My education has also provided me with a great support system.

What challenges have you overcome? 
When I was in elementary school, I was put in speech therapy because I couldn’t say certain letters and sounds; this affected my English and comprehension skills, causing me to become further behind in my studies. It would take me serval hours to complete a single assignment. I have developed my own methods to study and learn. To this day, I still struggle with this challenge; however, I can manage it and not use it as an excuse.

What is your message for the women of LSC-University Park?
Be confident in who you are, stand tall, and ignore the negativity. Encourage others to achieve their success instead of bringing others down to heighten your own. Women are powerful in so many different ways, and despite the world around us telling us differently sometimes, we can do anything we set our minds to. Do not let social limits bind you! Your boldness and confidence will speak volumes, and overall better your experiences in school and beyond!

What is your six-word story?
Dream big. Work hard. Then succeed.

Make LSC part of your story.