Dr. Jermaine Johnson, professor of criminal justice at Lone Star College-University Park, views life through a different lens – one that looks for hope over hopelessness and opportunity in every challenge or roadblock. With GradUP, an initiative to bolster student success and increase graduation rates by 300% in three years, in mind, Johnson approaches his students with his lemon-to-lemonade attitude, earning their trust, and helping them find their individual paths to success.

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LSC-University Park professor reveals student trust impacts GradUP success

HOUSTON (February 3, 2021) – Dr. Jermaine Johnson, professor of criminal justice at Lone Star College-University Park, views life through a different lens – one that looks for hope over hopelessness and opportunity in every challenge or roadblock. With GradUP, an initiative to bolster student success and increase graduation rates by 300% in three years, in mind, Johnson approaches his students with his lemon-to-lemonade attitude, earning their trust and helping them find their paths to success.

Johnson focuses on each student and finds out who they are. This practice provides insight into a student's strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge, Johnson works with his students to build their skills and confidence, and ultimately trust. 
"You cannot motivate anyone to learn or to become the best version of themselves if they don't trust or like you," said Johnson. "Though I know this approach is a bit unorthodox, making meaningful connections is primary and paramount."
When COVID-19 hit, Johnson sent a letter to all his students. Head-on, he addressed their concerns, anxieties, and their possible reluctance to continue with college. Johnson encouraged them to keep going and even pointed out certain advantages to taking online courses.
"We are proud of Dr. Johnson and the compassion he demonstrates each day for our students," said LSC-University Park President Dr. Shah Ardalan. "He continuously inspires his students and colleagues with his dedication to learning. At LSC-University Park, our faculty are known for these qualities and work tirelessly to ensure our students find success inside and outside the classroom." 
Johnson's students know he is their champion. LSC-University Park student Linda Flake-Jackson has had three classes with Johnson, and her appreciation is apparent.
"Dr. Johnson always exceeds my expectations for a professor," said Flake-Jackson. "He has the ability to bring criminal justice to life. When we went online due to the pandemic, everything was in place when we started. He went out of his way to ensure we understood criminal justice. He provided his phone number and encouraged us to call or text him with anything that was not clear. Students knew he was there for us and our success."
Johnson noted that he is proud of his colleagues' leadership and critical support as they have come together to achieve the GradUP campus-wide collaborative vision of student success and graduation.
"I am delighted to say that I work with selfless individuals," said Johnson. "They are not seeking public praise or promotions. They're seeking to make a difference in the lives of students every day." 

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