Jesse Fitzgerald Rodriguez, a 2016 Lone Star College-University Park graduate, has become a published author with the recent release of "Develop a Genius Mindset: Unleash Your Full Potential and Achieve Unimaginable Success," a self-help book from Purist Publishing.

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From janitor to graduate to author, LSC-University Park graduate publishes first book

Jesse Fitzgerald Rodriguez, a 2016 Lone Star College-University Park graduate, has become a published author with the recent release of "Develop a Genius Mindset: Unleash Your Full Potential and Achieve Unimaginable Success," a self-help book from Purist Publishing.

Rodriguez, who is just one internship away from receiving his bachelor's degree in technical communications from the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD), states that his book is a reflection of many lives he’s researched, including statistics and facts that revealed successful men and women all had mentors, were highly motivated, set goals, and were self-disciplined.

Rodriguez credits both LSC-University Park and UHD for his greater self-confidence and sense of self-sufficiency, both mentally and financially. He sees that his education provided him with the fundamental knowledge and skills to become a writer and a springboard to his accomplishments.

Interestingly, Rodriguez initially became acquainted with the LSC-University Park campus when it was still the home of Compaq Computers, where he worked as a janitor in the early 2000s. He even wrote about that experience in an award-winning essay for the Lone Star College Foundation after enrolling in the college.

"I walked the dark, lonely halls of Compaq as a janitor, cleaning its offices and trying to earn an honest living,” he wrote in the essay. “When the time came for me to pursue my dream of returning to school, LSC-University Park presented a perfect, if not serendipitous, answer,” said Rodriguez. “The college was so convenient and so close. I had no excuse for not attending."

He notes that starting college at LSC-University Park was not without its hardships and sacrifices. He not only took care of his widowed mother, but he had a 10-year-old son to raise by himself. And, while classes might have been difficult, he remains grateful for the tireless efforts of more than a dozen tutors in the college’s Student Learning Resource Center (SLRC) who came alongside him to coach and support him with his writing.

“I know my eventual success had everything to do with my writing tutors,” he said. “Under the watchful eyes of my tutors, I learned the basic formula for writing successfully, and I learned how to communicate more effectively in all of my courses. From the beginning of my time at LSC-University Park, my academic journey took off inside the SLRC."

"Students often remark that the passion and dedication of our faculty and staff, together with our commitment to innovation, has made a difference in their lives," said LSC-University Park President Dr. Shah Ardalan. “That is certainly the case with Jesse and his writing. His persistence, combined with the support he received from tutors, mentors and other college resources, made all the difference.”

"I still remember the first time I met President Shah,” recalls Rodriguez, who counts Ardalan among his most trusted mentors. "We were both attending one of the college's annual festivals held outside in the courtyard. Since that time, our meetings have inspired me and motivated me to become more successful. I appreciate his knowledge, wisdom and professionalism. Even now, we continue to meet at least a few times a year."

Rodriguez’s bachelor’s degree in technical communications focuses on behind-the-scenes writing, including documents, memos, executive summaries, scientific writing, and presentations that incorporate visuals and text.

After graduating from UHD, Rodriguez will undertake another writing project. This time he plans to write a children’s book. According to his research, as well as relevant facts and statistics, the children’s industry represents the most significant potential for success. After that, his research will guide him when choosing the subject matter for his next book.

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