When Lone Star College-University Park announced its bold GradUP initiative to bolster students’ success and increase graduation rates by 300% in three years, Methias Plank, professor of political science, knew that this would require a holistic approach in his teaching. Plank met the GradUP initiative challenge with intentionality, not only in his teaching methods, but in all of his interactions with students.

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Connection is key for LSC-University Park professor

HOUSTON – When Lone Star College-University Park announced its bold GradUP initiative to bolster students’ success and increase graduation rates by 300% in three years, Methias Plank, professor of political science, knew that this would require a holistic approach in his teaching. Plank met the GradUP initiative challenge with intentionality, not only in his teaching methods, but in all of his interactions with students.

Plank shared an example of a first-generation college student in his class who was ready to throw in the towel. Plank supported him and would not let him quit. Plank helped the student realize not only his interest in political science, but also that he was more than capable of doing the work and being successful. The student went from almost failing to completing the course with a B. 

With the move to increased online courses during the Covid-19 pandemic, Plank did not hesitate to adapt his in-person efforts to a virtual format to continue supporting students. Plank’s tenacity for connection, encouragement and having a significant online presence is key to his students finding success. 

"In my opinion, the two biggest things for a successful online experience are faculty engagement with the students and a significant online presence," said Plank. "These two things let students know that you care about their success, that you are there for them, and that you will keep them moving in the right direction. I am very big on making sure students, particularly those who have been thrust into this online environment, perhaps for the first time, have a lifeline with their instructor."

Plank checks in with his students by employing D2L announcements to help keep them on track. He also holds "virtual" office hours three times per week for one hour, varying the times of the day to accommodate students' schedules. During this time, they discuss topics about which they may need assistance, the formatting of class assignments and papers, as well as discussions regarding the "issues of the day." Additionally, if a student requires individualized help, he makes himself available outside of his virtual office hours.

He also maintains virtual touchpoints with his students through their discussion posts. While not dominating the conversation, he will point out interesting things, provide encouragement, and remind them that he is always there for direction and support.

"I find Professor Plank's online teaching style to go above and beyond what one would expect of any top professor teaching a face-to-face class," said Luke Stein, an LSC-University Park student. "He provides and encourages open dialogue amongst the students and himself, through Webex meetings, which occur multiple times per week, and through discussion boards. His interactions provide a deeper understanding of what he is teaching and provides the means necessary to make real-world applications. Professor Plank also makes himself extremely available to students, answering any questions, or discussing concepts too difficult to grasp alone."

Plank noted that shifting from face-to-face to online delivery of content is not easy for all students.  

"To bridge the transition from face-to-face teaching to online teaching takes a lot of one thing – encouragement," said Plank. "I have been encouraging each and every student to realize they can do it. They can meet the challenge, and they will be successful. LSC-University Park has made it known that their aspirations for success are personal for us; it's taking the ordinary of the college experience and transforming it into the extraordinary."

"I appreciate the commitment that professor Plank has made toward meeting our GradUP goalj," said LSC-University Park President Dr. Shah Ardalan. "He demonstrates the care and compassion prevalent among our faculty by staying engaged with his students and providing whatever support they require, whenever they need it. This passionate dedication to his students' success encourages students to learn, stretch and earn their diplomas.”

Statistics show that GradUP is making a significant difference, turning students’ dreams of “finishing what they start” into reality. LSC-University Park’s full-time, FTIC graduation rates have been anything but flat in recent years. In fact, as of 2020, UP’s four-year graduation rate has climbed from 15.5% in 2017 to 34.4% in 2020. Also, in 2020, the college’s six-year graduation rate for this group of students was just under 50%.

While numbers tell part of the story, Plank said that there are two things of which he is most proud.

“First, students are beginning to experience how much we genuinely care about their future and their dreams. Second, the level at which my colleagues have embraced the goal of GradUP, it's now becoming an internalized part of our culture, and the success is paying off.”

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