At just 17-years-old, Ashley, a first-generation American, was the first in her family to attend college when she enrolled at LSC-University Park. Now in her last semester, Ashley was voted President of the Puente Club and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She is also an Outreach Mentor in the Office of Student Success and a LSC Foundation Gala Scholarship recipient.

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LSC-University Park Hispanic Heritage Month Q&A: Ashley Guevara

At just 17-years-old, Ashley, a first-generation American, was the first in her family to attend college when she enrolled at LSC-University Park. Now in her last semester, Ashley was voted President of the Puente Club and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She is also an Outreach Mentor in the Office of Student Success and a LSC Foundation Gala Scholarship recipient.

Find out more about Ashley and what Hispanic Heritage Month means to her!

What does Hispanic Heritage month mean to you?
Hispanic Heritage Month is a moment where I can take the time to learn more about my roots, cultural traditions, and the history of my family.

Why is it important that we celebrate Hispanic culture?
It is important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month because we get to learn more about the diversity in several Hispanic countries and backgrounds.

Describe the importance of pursuing education as you were growing up?
Throughout my childhood my parents did not have the resources or the opportunity to pursue a college education. The sacrifices my parents have made to give me a better future are my reason and as their daughter I want to honor them and make them proud – as much as I want to do this for myself.

What challenges have you overcome as a Hispanic?
The challenge I have overcome as a Hispanic has been my college education. I am a proud first- generation student. I am also a first-generation American. When starting college, I was insecure with the process and did not know what to expect or how a college environment worked. Regardless of achieving good grades, I used to not be as confident with myself. Now I look back and I believe the result of change is possible when putting my ambitions into action.

How did you arrive at LSC-University Park?
I arrived at LSC-University Park as a 17-year-old who had just recently graduated high school. It was late in the summer when I told my mother that I decided to cancel my admission at a four-year college. When I arrived, I remember being greeted by the wonderful faculty, staff, and administrators. I was looking for the multipurpose room and I ran into Professor Paula Khalaf. She was heading to the new student orientation to present about the Puente Project. Since I had arrived at the orientation early, she pulled a chair and took the time to start a conversation with me. I remember talking to her about my goals and the passion I have for education.

She introduced me to the Puente Project, a program that provides mentorship, instruction, and academic advising toward first-generation students. At first, I had told Paula that I was not sure if I was going to enroll in the semester, but I gained trust and a month later I came back and enrolled in classes. I felt confident that the Puente Project was a call for me, and the progress I have made is beyond rewarding! I am grateful that Puente opened many doors for me such as scholarship opportunities, leadership conferences, and mentorship roles.

My instructors, mentors, academic advisors, and organization advisors helped me find my passion toward higher education. I am currently serving as a second-year outreach mentor at the Office of Student Success. These experiences have shaped me into the student that I am today.

“Be Proud of Your Past . . . Embrace the Future” is this year’s HHM theme. How does this theme relate to your life?
The theme profoundly relates to my life because the barriers I have overcome as a student. My experiences paved a path that led to my ambition toward higher education. I want to continue applying my strong desire to help students achieve their academic endeavors!

What is your “six-word story” in relation to your Hispanic heritage?
Perseverancia, suen~os en accio´n, logros cumplidos 
Translation: Perseverance, dreams in action, accomplished achievements

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