Karina Cabrera is a student leader on campus, leading the pack in more ways than one.

An International Studies sophomore, Cabrera serves in two major leadership roles on campus. She is serving her first semester as president of the Student Government Association and her second semester as president of the International Studies Club. 

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Meet Student Government President Karina Cabrera

 Karina Cabrera is a student leader on campus, leading the pack in more ways than one.

An International Studies sophomore, Cabrera serves in two major leadership roles on campus. She is serving her first semester as president of the Student Government Association and her second semester as president of the International Studies Club.

Cabrera found that getting involved on campus greatly increased the quality of her college experience, and she hopes to encourage more students to get involved.

"There is a big need for student engagement," said Cabrera. "There are numerous clubs and organizations on campus but not a lot of students get involved. I have benefited so much in a short time and would like to see that for other students."

LSC-University Park President Shah Ardalan said Cabrera continues to make a positive difference on campus. "Her commitment is exceptional, and student involvement continues to grow as she and other student leaders build organizations that reflect their interests and talents."

The International Studies Club had a very successful International Education Week, a week dedicated to different cultural events on campus. Cabrera is also assisting the Student Government Association coordinate a much-needed food drive with the Northwest Assistance Ministries.

"I spend about 10 to 14 hours on student clubs each week," said Cabrera. "I'm also a mom, so time management skills have helped a lot. Even with obstacles, I know that I can be successful, and so can other students like me."

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