While on leave from the Marine Corps, Brandon Keilsers began researching on what it would take to become a firefighter. Keilsers arranged to meet with Chief Michael Naglieri, LSC-CyFair fire science technology department chair, who helped explain the process of becoming a firefighter.
“My friend had gone through the program at Lone Star College,” said Keilsers. “He really recommended it and also gave me some helpful insight on what to expect as a firefighter. I was taught the skills necessary to earn a firefighter basic certification (TCFP).”
There is currently a nationwide shortage of firefighters and paramedics. As the population in greater Houston area continues to grow, and the “baby boomers” get older, there will be a greater demand on emergency services, with EMS in particular.
“I was very excited to be able to work in a career that offers comradery like the military provided,” said Keilsers, who now works for the Conroe Fire Department. “Knowing I set a goal, I achieved it and being able to help the community is really rewarding. I am happy with the route I took and would not have done it any differently.”
Interested in the rewarding world of firefighting? Visit LoneStar.edu/Fire-Science-dept. or #CollegeNow to learn more.