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New Student Leadership Program Cultivates Success

College is a perfect time to develop and refine leadership skills and thanks to "Latinos Learning to Lead," a new semester-long program designed by Dean of Student Success Julie Gruber, LSC-University Park students are becoming stronger leaders.

"We launched the program hoping to attract students who would commit to a four-month long training schedule in addition to their academic course work," Gruber said. "We are pleased to have a diverse group of students involved." She noted Latinos Learning to Lead is funded by a campus mini-grant and is loosely modeled after a program offered by the National Hispanic Leadership Institute.

At the beginning of the semester, the group studied various leadership styles and philosophies. In February, StrengthsQuest assessments and discussions gave students more information about their own leadership tendencies and skills. March activities included mock interviews with CEOs and opportunities to strengthen speaking and communication skills. Mentors in the program at LSC-UP are Associate Professor of Math Frank Rodriguez, Financial Aid Specialist Eduardo Galindo and Advisor Melissa Piedra.

In April, the group will "pay it forward" by working with a group of Klein High School students interested in leadership and the program closes with a recognition dinner in May.

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